
  1. 战国后期秦国统治蜀之政策研究

    Study on the Policies of Qin 's Ruling on Shu during the Late Warring Period

  2. 论战国后期货币及其流通区域内的统一趋势

    On Every Regional Currency and Unified Trend in Circulating Area on Later Stage of the Warring States Period

  3. 后元之年的确定对于根据古本《纪年》来订正战国后期纪年是一重要的标尺。

    To fix the beginning year of Post Yuan is very important for the correction of late Warring States chronology .

  4. 战国后期,秦国为统一天下首先对富饶的巴蜀发动了战争,想使其成为自己的后方基地而着力经营。

    In the late Warring States period , Qin was the first state to lauch a fighting to abundant Bashu and made it the rear base .

  5. 管仲被认为是《管子》名义上的作者,实际上是战国后期稷下学者的作品集。

    He is listed as the author of the Guan-Zi , actually a much later ( late Warring States ) compilation of works from the scholars of the Jixia Academy .

  6. 经学是帝王思维的直接产物,经学的勃起与战国后期的造圣运动有着密切的关系。

    The study of Confucian classics is the direct product of imperial thinking , whose genesis is closely related to the deification movement in the late period of the Warring States .

  7. 另一方面,他肯定了人在自然界面前的主导作用和能动作用,尽人事而知天命就能“制天命而用之”,做到人定胜天,这种思想是战国后期人民战天斗地发展生产的反映。

    On the other hand , he affirmed the dominant and positive power of human beings in nature and put forward the thought of " controlling fatality and making use of it . "

  8. 从《应同》篇与邹衍、墨家之思想比较看,《应同》篇的五德终始学说可能是后期墨家根据吕不韦需要所改造的结果,讲五德终始的在战国后期也不止邹衍一家。

    This paper compares Zouyan with Mohism in " Yingtong " and concludes that the Wu De Zhong Shi thoughts may be a result of reconstruction according to Lv Buwei 's needs in late Mohism .

  9. 由此得知,复合货币流通区是战国后期商品经济发展的必然结果。

    The emergence of the special compound currency circulation region is closely related with the fusion of different economic types of all nationalities in China at that time and is the inevitable outcome of the development of commercial economy after the period of Warring states .

  10. 二是战国中后期开始的学术总结;

    The second is the beginning of learned summarization from the metaphase of ZhanGuo .

  11. 列子为先秦诸子之一,其思想近于道家,大约生活于战国中后期。

    Lieh-tzu lived in the middle and late Warring States Period , who was one of the Pre-Qin Dynasty Philosophers .

  12. 漆奁作为日用小型用具是战国中后期以后,在楚国首先出现的。

    It is first that lacquer lian toilet boxes , as small appliances , came into being in Chu State after the late Warring States .

  13. 同时也说明了西域文化在战国中后期,已经深入影响了中原文化。

    At the same time , it also explained that Western Regions Culture had influenced Central Plains culture during the Middle and Later Period of the Warring States .

  14. 从战国中后期中原文化的地域特征、屈原时代的齐楚文化交流活动,以及屈原等人所受齐文化的影响诸方面着手,可具体描述这一事实。

    The fact can be described through the district characteristics , the culture communion between Chu and Qi , and the influence of the culture of Qi on Qu Yuan .

  15. 本文旨在从战国中后期的历史现实和普遍的否定性思潮来揭示道、法批判理论的时代深度,并以伦理认识史上的特定环节来考察它的理性深度。

    The purport of this paper is an exposition of the chronical profundity of their criticism in the light of the history of mid-and-late Warring States period and the then prevailing negationist trend .

  16. 其中,战国中后期商鞅变法在秦国的封建土地国有制基础上重建了环境保护法制,并被西汉承袭下来。

    Among them , the Shang Yang legislation in the Qin Dynasty rebuilds environmental protection legal system basic on the feudalism land state-owned , and it be inherited title down by The Western Han .

  17. 战国中后期燕国禅让事件影响重大,连作为理论家思想家的学术大师孟子也涉足于此事。

    The Abdication Event ' of Yan has so great influence on the medium and later term of the Warring States Period that the academic master , and the great thinker , Mencius was also involved in it .

  18. 姓氏合一在战国中后期作为一项新的制度被确定下来,对秦汉时期社会的影响尤为明显,它对当时的国家统一、社会权力结构和社会风气都产生了深远的影响。

    Amalgamation of surnames and clan names in the middle and later periods of the Warring States as a new system , it had a far-reaching influence to Qin and Han , it influenced the unification of the motherland , social power structure and social conduct .