
  1. 尺寸效应主要体现在底物蛋白的体积越小其渗透越快。

    And the size effect means that the smaller the size is , the faster the template transports .

  2. 在孔隙率相同的情况下,材料晶粒尺寸越小其有效导热系数就越小;

    Under the same porosity , the smaller the grain size , the smaller the effective thermal conductivity .

  3. 在其他条件都相同而核心区配箍率不同的情况下,核心区配箍率越小其损伤值越大,其延性也越差。

    If the rate of stirrup used in core area is smaller and the damage is larger , the ductility is worse .

  4. 解释了入选物料粒度越小其分选效率渐低的原因;

    It is explained that the smaller the size of gangue particles in raw feed is , the lowwer the separating efficiency is .

  5. 仿真结果表明,针孔对于入射光有着很好的整形滤波作用,而且针孔的直径尺寸越小其对应的衍射波前误差越小。

    Simulation results show that the pinhole has a very good role in shaping wavefront , and diffraction wavefront error is smaller , when the pinhole has the smaller diameter .

  6. 计算结果表明,沟槽尖峰处的圆角半径越小其减阻效果越好,最大减阻率可达6.6%;

    It is shown that , the smaller the fillet radius of the tip is , the better the effect of drag reduction is . And the best ratio of drag reduction that can be attained is 6.6 % .

  7. 对于Si3N4-MoSi2复相陶瓷,在1100℃保温时质量变化很小,其氧化动力学曲线没有明显的规律性;

    As for Si_3N_4-MoSi_2 ceramics , when held at 1100 ℃, there is no significant weight change .

  8. 陶瓷滤球的断面SEM形貌图分析表明,所研制的滤料气孔多且孔分布均匀、孔径尺寸小,其孔结构是三维连通的。

    The results of SEM showed that the ceramic filtration balls had much little air hole distributed equably , which structure was three-dimensional .

  9. 当W足够小时,两条热分析曲线的差别也足够小,其对应的两种球墨铸铁铁液6h凝固组织中石墨形态的差别也足够小;

    And when W of two thermal analysis curves is small enough , the graphite morphologies of the samples that solidify in 6 hours are similar .

  10. 与HA相比,NA的变异程度小,其刺激机体产生的抗体,在抑制病毒的感染中发挥着重要作用。

    Comparison with HA , NA is conserved in a degree , which stimulates the production of antibody as same . The anti-NA antibody plays the role to inhibit the virus infection .

  11. 温度对X-3B的降解影响很小,其活化能仅为604kJ/mol;

    Temperature has a little effect on the degradation of X-3B , whose activation energy is only 6.04 kJ / mol ;

  12. L1~L5椎孔的侧矢径越来越小,其大小还与年龄和脊柱退变有关。

    The lateral-sagittal diameters tend to become smaller and smaller from L1 to L5 . Their size has some relation to age and spinal degeneration .

  13. AEBS的熔体流动速率分析表明,随着PEB含量的增加,AEBS的熔体流动速率逐渐下降,AEBS中PEB含量越小,其流动性能及加工性能越好。

    The melt flow rate ( MFR ) of AEBS decreased as PEB increasing . The less PEB content in the blends was , the better rheological and processing properties were .

  14. 从各种水生环境中分离到的酵母菌,在YPD平板上生成菌落的大着重长环境的渗透压或盐浓度的增加而变小,其菌体CD600值随着生长环境中有机碳的增加而增加。

    Colony forming units of the yeasts from various environments decrease with the increase of osmotic pressure or salt concentration in living environments while the OD values of yeasts increase with the increase of total organic carbon in aquatic environments .

  15. 分析结果表明,S-CSTR系统的反应器级数越多,污泥回流比越小,其净化能力和抗污泥膨胀能力越强,抗冲击负荷能力越弱。

    The results of the analysis show that the more the steps of the S-CSTR and the lower the sludge reflux ratio , the higher its cleaning capacity and resistance to sludge bulging , but the lower its anti-shock-load capacity ;

  16. PTB精密干涉仪长度测量不确定度很小,其单值性范围约0.6mm,因此其近似的长度估算足以满足超精密长度测量的要求。

    Considering a measurement example at PTB ′ s Precision Interferometer , the uncertainty of the individual length measurement is small enough so that the range of unambiguity is about 0.6 mm , i.e. a rough estimate of the length is sufficient for ultra precise length measurements .

  17. 集料粒径越小,其强度越大,透水系数越小;

    The smaller the aggregate grain is , the higher its strength is ;

  18. 胞格尺寸越小,其混合物的爆轰敏感度愈高,越易形成爆轰;

    Smaller is the cell size , higher is the mixture 's detonation sensitivity .

  19. 静液压马达缸体倾角变小对其效率影响的探讨

    A study of the influence of smaller inclination of hydrostatic motor cylinder on its efficiency

  20. 似乎集群的规模越小,其争执和分裂就越严重。

    It seems that the smaller the society the bitterer the dissensions into which it breaks .

  21. 规模小有其优势。

    Being small has its advantages .

  22. 因此,在西班牙生产的这个小装置其成本至少要比德国生产的高出25%。

    The Spanish widget is going to cost at least 25 % more than the German model .

  23. 其渗流能力随着幂指数的减小而增大,平均孔隙尺寸和孔隙介质的非均质性程度越小,其渗流能力越高。

    The seepage ability increases with the decrease of power-law exponent , mean pore size and heterogeneity .

  24. 由于输电塔在地震作用下的位移响应很小,其控制效果相应较小。

    Due to the seismic displacement response is very small , the controlling effect is not ideal .

  25. 方寸之间的藏书票看似小,其不然,对书和藏书人有很深远的影响。

    Bookplate seems to be small , but its implication is very profound to books and book collectors .

  26. 并且疗效稳定,副作用小,其研究前景广阔。

    And curative effect is steady , the side effect is small , its research has a bright future .

  27. 但由于双馈风力发电系统的变换器容量小,其对于电网故障较为敏感。

    But because of the small capacity converter , doubly-fed wind power system is very sensitive to grid failure .

  28. 液淬速率愈高,条带厚度愈小,其脆化敏感性愈低。

    The higher the cooling speed , the thinner the strips are , and the lower the susceptibility of embrittlement .

  29. 大气湍流强度相同时,聚焦平台光束发射口径越小,其束腰移动的幅度越大。

    The turbulence is stronger and the diameter of transmitter is smaller , the measure of focal shift is larger .

  30. 说明土壤随着深度的增加受到凋落物的影响越小,其土壤养分含量越稳定。

    With the depth of soil that less impact by the litter storey and the more stable soil nutrient content .