
  • 网络Minor accidents;Little Accidents
  1. 昨天,结冰的道路导致了几起小型交通事故。

    Icy roads caused several minor accidents yesterday .

  2. 加利福尼亚山景城,一辆正进行测试的谷歌无人驾驶汽车在城市车道上与公交车相撞。谷歌无人车自上路测试以来已发生十多起小型交通事故,而这场小车祸则可能是首次由无人车引发的意外。

    A self-driving car being tested by Google struck a public bus on a city street in Mountain View , Calif. The tech company 's vehicles have been involved in more than a dozen minor accidents , but this fender-bender may represent the first time that a Google car has caused an accident .

  3. 用UPS电源替代小型水电站事故停机电源的尝试

    An attempt of replacing the accident power source ( turbine-stop ) of small hydropower stations by UPS power source

  4. 浅论小型船舶翻船事故中的人命救助

    A comprehensive review of life rescue in the cases of small ship overturn

  5. 方法对重庆市近郊五个区、县2001年的246起小型汽车相互碰撞事故驾驶员和前排乘员的伤亡与机动车安全带使用情况进行分析,并采用U检验和χ2检验进行比较。

    Methods Analysis was done on mortality of drivers and front row passengers as well as safety belt use in 246 traffic accidents that involved minicars in five districts and counties of Chongqing in 2001 . The results were compared by U-test and χ ~ 2-test .

  6. 这次教训并不只是针对航空公司,许多小型飞机的致命事故也和盖子未盖密切相关。(汕头航空公司岳瑞军蒋维良编译)

    And it 's not just a lesson for airlines : many near-fatal accidents in light aircraft have also involved caps being left off .

  7. 安全性方面,结合事故统计资料和船舶安全评价理论建立了船舶安全评价模型,分析了中小型民营船舶安全事故多发的原因,提出了改善该类船舶安全的措施和建议。

    Security , combined with the accident statistics and evaluation theory , this paper built safety assessment model , analyzed the reasons of the ship accidents , and then put forward some security measures and proposals .