
  • 网络main asteroid belt
  1. 小行星主带上单个行星的质量上限

    The Upper Boundary of Mass for An Imaginary Planet in the Main Asteroid Belt

  2. 近地小行星与主带小行星和短周期彗星之间的关系。

    The relation of NEAs to main-belt asteroids and to short period comets .

  3. 据了解,目前为公众熟悉的小行星有主带小行星,还有轨道比较奇怪的近地小行星和半人马小行星。

    Currently , the public is familiar with the main-belt asteroids and the near-Earth asteroids with strange orbits , including the Earth-approaching asteroids and the centaurs .

  4. 最近的观测研究表明某些小行星可能是由彗星演变来的,而某些近地小行星可能来源于主带小行星和死亡的彗核。

    Recent observations and studies indicate that some of asteroids have originally relation with comets and some of NEA originate probably form main-belt asteroids and extinct cometary nuclei .

  5. 根据林肯近地小行星研究小组进行天空观测时所记录下来的观察资料,P/2010A2在小行星带主带内部围绕着太阳旋转。

    The object , dubbed P / 2010 A2 , orbits the sun well within the main asteroid belt , according to observations taken as part of the Lincoln Near Earth Asteroid Research sky survey .