首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 小正斜角造型大功率硅整流管在反向偏置下,表面耗尽区在稳态光电导下的扩展几乎都是在低掺杂的n区进行,p区的扩展被“钉扎”。

    For small positive angle bevelled power diode under reverse biased voltage , the surface depletion region extension is almost in the low doped n region , the extension in p region seems to be pinched .

  2. 小正男决心去很远的地方找从没见过的妈妈。性急、大嗓门、乐天派的菊次郎怎么看也不像小正男的理想伙伴。

    Brash , loudmouthed and optimistic , Kikujiro hardly seems the ideal companion for little Masao , who is determined to travel long distances to meet his mother , whom he has never met .

  3. 城市一年中空气离子浓度的年变化特征明显,其中小正离子夏季平均值为440个/cm~3,冬季平均值为330个/cm~3,年变幅为240个/cm~3;

    It was showed that the annual variety characteristic of air-ion concentration was obvious . The average value in summer and winter of small positive-ion were 440 and 330 respective , so the annual variety was 240 ;

  4. 梅格觉得老太太那双圆溜溜的小眼睛正盯着她。

    Meg felt the old woman 's beady eyes on her .

  5. 小农场主正舍弃他们的土地,到这里来寻找工作。

    Farmers are deserting their fields and coming here looking for jobs

  6. 一个小男孩正站在凳子上,伸手够一个曲奇罐子,凳子眼看就要歪了。

    A young boy is standing on a stool , reaching for a cookie jar , and the stool is about to tip

  7. 那个小男孩正靠在椅子上打盹。

    The little boy was dozing with his back against the chair .

  8. 当我一切搞定回到卧室时,发现小家伙正高兴地看卡通片史酷比(Scooby-Doo),身上和床上又是一堆新吐的披萨。

    When I returned she was happily watching Scooby-Doo and covered in another installment of pizza vomit , as was my bedding .

  9. 随电位变化的离子水合自由能ΔGh(I-)显示出ΔGh(I-)越小,正活度阶梯电位跃迁越快而负活度阶梯电位变化越慢。

    The ion-hydration free energy Δ G h ( I - ) changing with potential shows that the smaller the | Δ G h ( I - ) | , the faster the potential jump in positive activity step while the slower the potential change in negative activity step .

  10. 小自耕农正被推入贫困的境地,成为无地的劳动者。

    Small holders are being pauperized and turned into landless labourers .

  11. 清明小长假正是最好的观赏时节。

    Qingming Festival is the best time to admire the beauty .

  12. 一个小男孩正漫步在伦敦的街头。

    A small boy was walking along the street in London .

  13. 那小女孩正拉着小狗绕草坪走。

    The little girl was tugging a puppy round the lawn .

  14. 她感到很别扭,因为一个小男孩正紧紧跟着她。

    She felt uneasy because a schoolboy was following her closely .

  15. 看,一只小蜜蜂正停在它的鼻子上。

    Look , a bee is standing on his nose .

  16. 小女孩正跟她妈妈愉快地交谈着。

    The little girl is talking pleasantly with her mother .

  17. 两个小男孩正往它的后部装载成捆的干草。

    Two young boys were loading bales of hay into the back .

  18. 这些小流氓正受到过多的注意。

    There 's far too much attention being paid to these hooligans .

  19. 这个小男孩正吃饼干。

    This small boy is just eating the biscuit .

  20. 那个小姑娘正盼望着见到从美国来的叔叔。

    The little girl was looking forward to seeing her uncle from America .

  21. 不同治理度下小流域正态整体模型试验&林草措施对小流域径流泥沙的影响

    Simulated experiment on normal integral model of different control degrees for small watershed

  22. 如上图所示,我的小菜园正走向成熟。

    And my plot , pictured here , is just coming to fruition .

  23. 小企业正要求从银行得到一视同仁的待遇。

    Small businesses are demanding that they receive uniform treatment from the banks .

  24. 不行,小崔正忙着弄冰雕阳具呢

    Traive ! Oh , no. Traive is busy installing his ice penis .

  25. 正好抓到小企鹅正忙着呢!

    Just when baby penguin was doing its business !

  26. 两只黄色的小眼睛正眯眼看着我们。小犬牙在半明半暗中闪耀着。

    Two tiny yellow eyes peered back and puppy fangs glinted in the semidarkness .

  27. 他看到一个小男孩正伸手去够一户人家的门铃。

    He saw a small boy trying to reach the doorbell of a house .

  28. 这个小男孩正修理他的飞机模型。

    The boy is repairing his model plane .

  29. 许多小农场主正面临破产。

    Many small farmers are facing bankruptcy .

  30. 在全球化和知识化两大潮流冲击下的中国小企业正承受时空双重挤压。

    Small enterprises in China are suffering the heavy impacts of globalization and intellectualization now .