
xiǎo yā tou
  • little girl
  1. 不-不,Julius,那个小丫头是考验我呢

    Mm-mm , Julius , that little girl is testing me .

  2. 别逗了,妹妹,那时我只是个小丫头。

    Come on now , sister . I was only a little girl .

  3. 休确实是个少见的早熟的小丫头。

    Sue is a thoroughly precocious little madam if ever there was one

  4. 她才是个小丫头。

    She was just a slip of a thing .

  5. even:甚至连小丫头Jenny都觉得她比我强。

    Even little Jenny thinks she 's too good for me ,

  6. 小丫头,你曾对荨麻说过什么?

    Girl , what have you been saying to the nettle .

  7. 王子出现了,这使穷苦的小丫头不胜仰慕。

    The prince had appeared and subjugated the poor little handmaid .

  8. 把那小丫头送走我再和你算帐。

    That little servant girl and I put away your accounts .

  9. 另外,他们不会泡一个14岁的小丫头。

    Plus , they wouldn 't hit on a 14-year-old girl .

  10. 父亲:冷静点,小丫头。

    Father : Hey , you calm down , little lady .

  11. 换个小丫头连门都不敢开

    A lesser woman wouldn 't have opened the door .

  12. 那么什么原因说服你接管这小丫头的呢?

    So what persuaded you to take charge of this little creature ?

  13. 小丫头,你哥哥已经够烦心了。

    Young lady , your brother 's in enough trouble .

  14. 我知道,迈克尔,我不是小丫头了

    I know , Michael . I 'm a big girl now .

  15. 小丫头,买这么多牛杂。

    Hey kid , why are you buying so much cooked bull-organs .

  16. 你让我给一个坐轮椅的小丫头做保姆?

    You want me to babysit the wheelchair chick ?

  17. 两个小丫头。

    " Two little girls ," Ennis said .

  18. 但是,他们也没有理由理会一个14岁的小丫头片子,对吧?

    But I mean , why would they respond to a 14-year-old , anyway ?

  19. 能找到我真是不简单啊,小丫头。

    Lmpredsive that you found me , wench .

  20. 你这个贪心的小丫头。

    You 're so possessive , my daughter .

  21. 很想大声呼唤,告诉他们:小丫头永远在这里等着你们!

    Everyday I feel so lonely , but I 'll always waiting for you .

  22. 我爱你,小丫头!

    I love you , little girl !

  23. 你被一个12岁的小丫头给劫持了?

    You got taken hostage by a12-year-old ?

  24. 她是个很可爱的小丫头。

    She is a very cute girl .

  25. 嗯.那小丫头片子供出我时?

    Yeah . That little girl coughs ?

  26. 你这样野心勃勃的小丫头

    with ambitious young girls like yourself .

  27. 如果你称呼当今世界最伟大的女推销员为“小丫头”,她也不会介意。

    The greatest saleswoman in the world today doesn 't mind if you call her a girl .

  28. 走进这里时你可能是一个来自康乃狄克州的小丫头而走出这里时

    Maybe you could walk in here one person , a kid from Connecticut , and walk out ...

  29. 你究竟想信谁?这个撒谎的小丫头还是把你养大的人?

    Who are you gonna beiieve ? This Iying IittIe twit , or the man who raised you ?

  30. 不管怎么说,如果你要进城的话,就带小丫头去看《猫》。

    If you 're going into the city anyway , at least take the kid to see the cats .