
xiǎo jié
  • Subsection;bar;trifle;small matter;minutia
小节 [xiǎo jié]
  • (1) [small matter]∶无关大局的琐碎事情或问题

  • 不拘小节

  • (2) [trifle]∶琐碎的或微不足道的事情

小节[xiǎo jié]
  1. 产生问题的原因除小节意识、跟风心理等心态外,还同社会风气和成人榜样引导不力、传统道德观弱化、学校德育的失衡息息相关。

    Except the mentality of small matter and following others , these defects result from bad social mood and adult 's examples , increasingly weaker traditional morality and unbalanced school moral education .

  2. 一个小节有4拍。

    It 's got four beats to a bar .

  3. 这首曲子每小节四拍。

    The piece has four beats to the bar .

  4. 她唱了歌曲开头的三小节,然后就停下来。

    She sang the first three bars of the song , and then stopped .

  5. 但每个小节的阅读时间已经减少了,从每节1小时左右或以上减少到了半小时左右。

    But the amount of time spent in reading each session has declined , from closer to an hour or more to closer to a half hour per session .

  6. 将大量的学习资料分成易于掌握的小节。

    Split up large chunks of study material into manageable pieces .

  7. 您会发现卡博太太是个拘泥小节的人。

    You will find Mrs. Carboy a stickler about trifles .

  8. 就像下一个小节详细说明的那样,它还可以被轻易的复制。

    It is also easy to replicate , as the next subsection explains .

  9. 这首诗有六小节。

    The poem has six stanzas .

  10. 我十年没练过瑜伽了,所以在第一小节,我会先振作精神。

    I haven 't done yoga for ten years , so in my first session2 , I 'll just be clearing3 out the cobwebs .

  11. 在本小节中,您将开始发布LinkedData。

    In this section , you 'll start publishing Linked Data .

  12. 在本小节,您将证实Web服务缓存行为实现了预期功能效果。

    In the section , you will verify the web service cache behavior as expected .

  13. 本小节讨论调优Monitor服务器的参数。

    This section discusses parameters for tuning the Monitor server .

  14. 注意:可以在本文的下载小节找到newsproperties.jar文件。

    NOTE : You can find the news_properties.jar file in the Downloads section of this article .

  15. 本小节将分步介绍实现AuthoringServer的过程。

    This sections steps through the process of implementing Authoring Server .

  16. 在这个小节中,我主要关注两个我认为对未来的Web应用程序比较有用的交互

    I 'd like to focus this section on the two interactions that I think are most exciting for the future of Web applications

  17. 在本小节中,我将关注的重点放在组织结构上,它是RationalAssetManager运行的条件。

    In this section I 'll briefly focus on the organizational structure within which Rational Asset Manager will operate .

  18. 在下载小节可以找到完整的示例Eclipse项目。

    You can find the complete sample Eclipse project in the Download section .

  19. 本小节描述的映射和转换选项显示出查询XML数据源的灵活性和可扩展性。

    The mapping and transformation options described in this section show the flexibility and scalability in querying XML data sources .

  20. 这一小节将描述CORBA转换的一般流程。

    This section will describe the normal workflow of a CORBA Transformation .

  21. 下一小节解释该应用程序的架构,并阐明嵌入式解决方案有多适合某些Web应用程序用例。

    The next section explains the architecture of the application and makes clear how an embedded solution is appropriate in certain Web application use cases .

  22. 本小节讨论在一个UML模型中建模一个C++模板类。

    This section discusses modeling a C + + template class in a UML model .

  23. 本小节以IBMDB2数据库系统为例,提供一些数据库调优规则。

    This section provides some tuning guidelines for the IBM DB2 database system , as an example .

  24. 从技术上讲,本小节中的步骤已经在导入的EmployeesEclipse项目中执行完了。

    Technically , the steps in this section have already been performed in the imported Employees Eclipse project .

  25. 在后面的小节中,您将看到如何将问题与TransactionReporter代理隔离。

    In later sections , you will see how the problem is isolated with Transaction Reporter agent .

  26. 下载IBMDB2Express-C9,请您参见参考资源小节中的链接,并且将其安装到RationalPerformanceTester的同一台机器上。

    Download IBM DB2 Express-C9 ( see Resources ), and install it on the same machine where Rational Performance Tester is installed .

  27. 在本小节中,您使用/app/resources目录,它专门用于为REST服务创建资源。

    In this section you use the / app / resources directory , which is specialized for creating resources for REST services .

  28. 下面的小节将讲解如何在UI里调用资源包。

    The next section explains how to invoke the resource bundle in the UI .

  29. 本小节提供几个Web站点分析示例,展示如何使用IBM商业和开源工具确定正确的缓存行为。

    This section provides examples of Web site analyses to determine the correct caching behavior using both IBM Commercial and open source tools .

  30. 在本小节,您将使用GroupMembers人员分配标准来为所有者分配在IntegrationDeveloper中建模的任务。

    In this section , you will be using the Group Members People Assignment Criteria to assign owners to a task modelled in Integration Developer .