
  • 网络Small mosquito;Little Mosquito
  1. 这里有个小蚊子非常放松的躺在桌子上。

    There 's this little mosquito just taking it easy standing on the table .

  2. 刚才收拾床铺,我拿起并拍动枕头,打算除去上面的灰尘时,我发现一只小蚊子很安静地躺在上面,即使我用手去碰它也没有反应。

    Just now I cleaned my bed , when I held my pillow and shake it to remove the dust , I found a small mosquito lay on my pillow quietly even I touched it .

  3. 该虫的成虫是一种黑红色的小蚊子,长2.5~3mm;

    The imago of the insect was black red mosquito-like insect with ( 2.5 ~ 3 ) mm in length .

  4. 我们前两周去度假时,发现了许多小蚊子。它们把尖尖的嘴巴刺入我们的身体,吸取我们的血液。这些蚊子胆大包天,我们用尽了办法也赶不走它们。

    Over the next two weeks , as we tried to enjoy our vacation , these monstrous little critters plunged their sharp needles into our bodies , sucking out our blood , defying every effort to chase them away .

  5. 小昆虫和蚊子群集于河边的田野里。

    Gnats and mosquitoes infested the field by the river .

  6. 你不仅是你自己,也是各种虫鱼鸟兽,带鳍,带壳,带翅膀,带皮毛,大得象巨人,小得象蚊子,远得象星星,近得象身边的小猫。

    You are yourself and you are things with fur of fins or shells or wings , as big as giants , as small as gnats , as far as stars , as close as cats .

  7. 小青蛙:这些蚊子看起来很好吃!

    Small Frog : Those mosquitoes really look tasty !

  8. 他们将会是有力的提醒,告诉世界小国家通常也能一击致命,就像巴西本土的小动物蚊子和蝎子一样。

    They , in the manner of Brazil 's indigenous mosquitos and scorpions , are a useful reminder that small can often be deadly .