
xiǎo niǎo
  • dickey;dicky;birdie
小鸟[xiǎo niǎo]
  1. Susan一只小鸟跟我呢喃细语。说你要过生日了。

    Susan , a little birdie told me you are having a birthday soon .

  2. Charlie问他的爸爸:“爸爸,这只小鸟怎么了?”

    Charlie asked his father ," Dad , what happened to the birdie ?"

  3. 他把小鸟轻轻地托在掌心。

    He held the bird gently in the palm of his hand .

  4. 她双手轻轻地捧着那只小鸟。

    She held the bird gently in cupped hands .

  5. 罗南·拉弗蒂在成绩为67杆的一场比赛中打出了6次小鸟球。

    Ronan Rafferty shot six birdies in a round of 67 .

  6. 我们学校有一个名叫“弗雷迪小鸟”的吉祥物。

    Our school had a mascot known as Freddy Bird .

  7. 他在前7洞有5洞打出了小鸟球。

    He birdied five of the first seven holes .

  8. 两只小鸟一出壳就离开了巢穴。

    As soon as the two chicks hatch , they leave the nest burrow

  9. 小鸟已经在花园里歌唱了。

    Birds were already singing in the garden .

  10. 嘘!小鸟,嘘!

    Shoo , bird , shoo .

  11. 小鸟被关在这么狭小的空间里,不弯一下尾巴的话,都转不过身来。

    The bird was enclosed in such a small space that it could not turn without bending its tail

  12. 小鸟站在栖木上冲蛇尖叫。

    The little bird screeched at the snake from its perch .

  13. 小鸟上下拍动着翅膀,想要飞起来。

    The young bird fluttered her wings up and down , hoping to fly .

  14. 木门的右侧刻有一个漂亮的小鸟图案。

    The right side of the wooden door was engraved with a beautiful bird design .

  15. 小鸟们在忙着搭窝。

    The birds are busy building their nests .

  16. 小鸟垂下了翅膀。

    The bird drooped his wings .

  17. 小鸟抿着翅膀。

    The bird tucked its wings .

  18. 小鸟吱吱喳喳地叫着。

    The birds are chirping .

  19. 小鸟在树上快乐地歌唱。

    A little bird was singing happily in the tree .

  20. 受了伤的小鸟翕动了几下翅膀就死了。

    The wounded bird flapped its wings a few times and died .

  21. 这时远远的树林里,小鸟在鸣叫。

    Now far away in the woods a bird called .

  22. 老师把那诗人比作一只小鸟。

    The teacher compared the poet to a bird .

  23. 森林中有各种小鸟。

    There are diverse birds in the forest .

  24. 小鸟回巢了。

    The bird has returned to the nest .

  25. 一只小鸟在附近什么地方吱吱地叫着。

    A bird chirped nearby somewhere .

  26. 小鸟叽叽叫。

    Little birds were chirping .

  27. 送给新婚夫妇的彩蛋上画上了小鸟,寓意早生贵子。

    A decorated egg with a bird on it , given to a young married couple , is a wish for children .

  28. 他本来希望今晚能卖更多的报纸,多赚点钱给妈妈买个蛋糕,再给自己的小鸟买点粮食。

    He had hoped to sell more papers tonight to make more money to buy a cake for his mother and some seeds for his bird .

  29. B:它们是棕色和绿色的小鸟。

    B : They were small brown and green birds .

  30. 我一看到这只小鸟就原谅了乌鸦。

    The second I saw this little bird I forgave the crows .