
  1. 目的:对广济止咳方治疗咳嗽变异性哮喘(CVA)的临床疗效进行评价。

    Objective : To evaluate the curative effect of Guangji Zhike Fang ( GZF ) For cough due to variant asthma ( CVA ) .

  2. 湖北广济金红石矿产出特征及钛的赋存状态

    Occurrence Features of Rutile and Mode of Occurrence of Titanium Guangji , Hubei

  3. 从广济寺得到的现代生态学的启示

    Heuristic Idea from Guangji Temple to Modern Ecology

  4. 西安市钟楼至广济街城市夜景观照明浅析

    Brief Analysis of Landscape Lighting in Xi'an & From Bell Tower to Guangji Street

  5. 浙江广济医院与省立医药专科学校史略

    A Brief History of the Zhejiang Central Hospital and Provincial Professional School of Medicine

  6. 快乐中国牛年!广济寺方丈演觉法师题新年贺词。

    Happy Chinese New OX Year ! Calligraphy by Master Yan Jue of Guangji Temple .

  7. 为此,本课题组确定了广济药业出口中药品种的遴选方针。

    The workgroup therefore , formulated principles for the selection of Guangji Pharmacy herbal medicines .

  8. 绵竹市广济镇灾后重建的规划设计与几点思考

    Contemplation on the Town Planning and Architectural Design for Post-quake Reconstruction of Guangji Town , Mianzhu City

  9. 广济寺塔寺合一古建筑群

    The Guangji Ancient Buildings

  10. 本文是在黄石&广济地区运用构造地球化学找矿方法获得的成果。

    The present paper is a result gained by utilizing the structure geochemistry for prospecting in Huangshi-Guangji area .

  11. 广济止咳方治疗咳嗽变异性哮喘30例疗效观察

    Treatment of Cough Due to Variant Asthma by Guangji Zhike Fang : A Clinical Observation of 30 Cases

  12. 安庆广济江堤双层地基渗流分析及工程措施

    The Analyze of Double Layer Foundation Seepage Flow and the Project Measures for River Embankment of Guangji in Anqing

  13. 南岳森林群落生物多样性研究(Ⅲ)广济寺森林群落植物物种相对多度分布格局

    Study on biodiversity of forest community in Nanyue of Hunan Province (ⅲ) & model on distribution pattern of plant species relative abundance in Guangji Temple

  14. 从全新的角度对襄樊~广济断裂(带)的属性进行了认定,为该区的地质构造乃至于中国中央山系的深入研究提供了新思路。

    It 's a quite new point of view that provides a new idea for researches of geological structures in the region and even for the mountain ranges in central China .

  15. 结果表明,南岳广济寺森林属落多样性较高,接近山地季雨林的水平;

    The results show that the plant species diversity of the forest community in Guangji Temple of Nanyue is higher and approaches the diversity level of the mountainous seasonal rain forest ;

  16. 方法:于2004-10/2005-05选择苏州广济医院心身科、早干科神经症患者91例。

    METHODS : Ninety-one neurotic inpatients , who registered as inpatients from October 2004 to May 2005 in the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Department of Early Intervention , Suzhou Guangji Hospital .

  17. 东大别南界为襄樊-广济断裂,北界的信阳-舒城断裂带将造山带与合肥盆地分隔。

    Dabie orogenic belt is bounded by the Xinyang-Shucheng fault to the north , Xiangfan-Guangji fault to the south , Shangcheng-Macheng fault to the west , and Tancheng-Lujiang fault to the east .

  18. 广济寺蛙类2007年较1998年减少2634只,减少了98.12%,经济蛇类数量2001年较1997年减少了59.26%。

    In 2007 , frogs near Guangji Temple , decreased by 2634 and 98.12 % compared to the year 1998 . And economic snakes decreased 59.26 % according to the year 1997.6 .

  19. 安庆广济江堤部分堤段堤基上层是弱透水覆盖层,下层是强透水砂层,为典型的双层结构地基。

    At the river embankment of Guangji in Anqing , the upper layer at the foundation part of embankment sections is weak pervious overburden and the strong pervious sand bed is in lower layers and they are typically double layer structure foundation .

  20. 该系统是由位于北京广济寺的中国佛教协会发起的。这个在线查询系统可以查询每位活佛的姓名、出生年月、教派、活佛证号和照片。

    Launched by the Buddhist Association of China at the Guangji Temple in the capital , it will include the names , dates of birth , sect of the religion , the numbers on Living Buddhas ' certificates and photographs of each Living Buddha .