
zhàn zhēnɡ kāi shǐ
  • War begins;start of war;commencement of war
  1. 这些并不是什么新思想,自从战争开始就一直稳定地发展演变。

    The ideas were not new . Their development had proceeded steadily since the war

  2. 战争开始的时候,他们认为自己境况不错,因为他们粮食准备充足。

    When the war started , they thought they were sitting pretty , because they had all that extra grain .

  3. 战争开始后不久,他就受到了致命的重伤。

    He received a mortal wound soon after the battle began .

  4. 自战争开始,日用品的价格就已上升。

    Price of household commodities have risen since the war began .

  5. 战争开始时他就被征召入伍了。

    He was called up at the beginning of the war .

  6. 他在战争开始的时候死在这里。

    Who fell here during the first days of the battle .

  7. 战争开始的时候,我被任命为中尉。

    I accepted a commission as first lieutenant when the war began .

  8. 战争开始分化共和党人,远没有起到凝聚作用。

    Republicans , the war is beginning to divide them .

  9. 今天是伊拉克战争开始4周年纪念。

    Today marks the4th anniversary of the start of the Iraq war .

  10. 于是,巨人和宙斯兄妹间的战争开始了。

    Thus the war between the giants and Zeus ' brothers started .

  11. 战争开始后,我率领的分队人都死光了。

    The war started and everyone in my unit died .

  12. 我本希望在战争开始前找到他。

    I hoped to find him before the battle started .

  13. 卡尔胡尔特曼:战争开始于A。

    Carl Hultman : The war began after the A.

  14. 自从战争开始后就一直灰暗。

    Have been dark ever since the war came .

  15. 布尔战争开始对它有所触动,而1914年的世界大战终于使它荡然无存。布尔战争:1899-1902年英国人与布尔人之间的战争。

    The Boer War started it , and 1914 put the lid on .

  16. 对于国际部队来说,这是自阿富汗战争开始以来最为致命的一个月。

    July was the deadliest month for international forces since the war began .

  17. 在战争开始前看到乌鸦意味着胜利。

    And a raven right before battle promises victory .

  18. 一场争夺墨西哥人腰包的战争开始了。

    The battle for the Mexican dollar is on .

  19. 在战争开始的时候,罗斯福已经辞去了海军助理秘书。

    Roosevelt had resigned as Assistant Secretary of the Navy when the war started .

  20. 战争开始了,你能够在枪林弹雨中活下来吗?

    The beginning of the war , and you can live in the crossfire ?

  21. 战争开始后的第一个问题是在联合国采取什么策略。

    The first issue after the war opened concerned tactics at the United Nations .

  22. 自战争开始以来已有1300名美国士兵在阿富汗遇难。

    Thirteen hundred U.S. troops have been killed in Afghanistan since the war began .

  23. 战争开始时,有些人还只有十几岁。

    Some were teenagers when the war began .

  24. 远在战争开始前,雅科夫和斯大林的关系就很僵硬。

    Yakov and Stalin were not on good terms long before the war began .

  25. 学术界在抗日战争开始的问题上一向存在着异议。

    There existed a controversy on the problems of anti-japanese war in academic circles .

  26. 关于战争开始时敌国商船地位公约

    Convention relative to the Status of Enemy Merchant Ships at the Outbreak of Hostilities

  27. 战争开始时,没有铁路通向太平洋沿岸;

    At the beginning of the war there was no railway to the Pacific coast ;

  28. 但是,战争开始以后,抗议者就淡出了画面。

    But since the war began , protesters have not been part of the picture .

  29. 自鸦片战争开始,中国社会开始了近代化进程。

    Starting from Opium War , Chinese society begun to spending a Modern times-rization course .

  30. 瑞德:战争开始了?

    RHETT : Has the war started ?