
jiǎn yáng máo
  • sheepshearing
剪羊毛[jiǎn yáng máo]
  1. 在剪羊毛时,需要把羊圈起来。

    At clipping time sheep need to be penned .

  2. 在赫伯里兹,剪羊毛的时间比其他任何地方都要晚。

    In the Hebrides they shear their sheep later than anywhere else .

  3. 他把剪羊毛棚描写成十足的地狱。

    He described a shearing shed as sheer hell .

  4. 是剪羊毛的时节了。

    It was time for the sheep to be shorn .

  5. v.修剪农夫从羊身上剪羊毛。

    shear The farmers sheared the wool from the sheep .

  6. 同时,他们也找来了经验丰富的剪羊毛工人IanElkins来进行这个工作。

    They also enlisted the help of experienced shearer Ian Elkins for the job .

  7. 剪羊毛是农场里一段十分忙碌的时期。

    Sheep shearing is a very busy time on the farm .

  8. 孩子们饶有兴趣地看着剪羊毛。

    The children were fascinated to see the sheep being clipped .

  9. 政治家剪羊毛,政客则连羊皮也剥掉。

    The statesman shears the sheep , the politician skins them .

  10. 几天后,开始剪羊毛了。

    A few days later the sheep - shearing began .

  11. 好牧人只剪羊毛,不剥羊皮。(不要杀鸡取卵)

    A good shepherd must fleece his sheep but not flay them .

  12. 剪羊毛机剪头扭转振动传感器的设计与研究

    Design and Research on Transducer for Measuring Torsional Vibration Parameters of Shearhead

  13. 澳大利亚的羊毛业长期以来面临剪羊毛工人短缺的问题。

    Australia 's wool industry faces a chronic lack of sheep shearers .

  14. 他找到一份剪羊毛的工作。

    He found a job of shearing wool from sheep .

  15. 然而,剪羊毛必须谨慎进行。

    However , the shearing had to be approached carefully .

  16. 撒上25:4大卫在旷野听见说拿八剪羊毛。

    And David heard in the wilderness that Nabal did shear his sheep .

  17. 我在7月初开始剪羊毛。

    I start shearing at the beginning of july .

  18. 农民教她如何剪羊毛。

    The farmer taught her how to shear sheep .

  19. 世界上最象地狱的地方就是剪羊毛棚。

    No place on earth was quite the hell a shearing shed was .

  20. 这是在没剪羊毛的情况下。

    That is , unless they have been sheared .

  21. 他们用电动剪子来剪羊毛。

    They use electric shears for sheep shearing .

  22. 新西兰绵羊成明星电视直播剪羊毛。

    Nz 's famous sheep gets TV haircut .

  23. 他从关身上剪羊毛。

    He sheared the wool from the sheep .

  24. 剪羊毛机振动对操作者的影响及降振研究

    Pernicious effects of the vibration of shearing machine to operators and study of damping vibration

  25. 剪羊毛后,安哥拉山羊大约需要一个月的特殊御寒措施。

    Angoras may need special protection from the cold for about a month after shearing .

  26. 他们下星期剪羊毛。

    They 'll be sheafing next week .

  27. 一些人说害羞的贷主装运胆怯的羊。六个狡猾的剪羊毛的人剪六只胆怯的羊毛。

    Some say shy shippers ship shy sheep . Six sly shavers sheared six shy sheep .

  28. 他们可以观看标价牛、猪或其它动物的鉴定,看剪羊毛。

    They can watch the judging of the price cows , pigs , and other animals ;

  29. 我们明天要剪羊毛。

    We should be shearing tomorrow .

  30. 剪羊毛指的是给绵羊“理发”,剪下的羊毛可以制成毛线。

    Shearing is when a sheep gets a haircut so the fleece can be made into wool .