
  • 网络clip art;clipart;Cliparts;cutout;collage
  1. 您报告的问题是否与网站或剪贴画内容相关?

    Is your problem report regarding the web site or the clip art content ?

  2. 这种幻灯片外内容可以包括文本框、剪贴画、图形和表格。

    This off-slide content can include text boxes , clip art , graphics , and tables .

  3. 虽然没有使用剪贴画,但现在已说明得相当清楚,verifyaddress步骤由担任verifier角色的人员执行。

    Rather than using the stick figure , it is clear now that the verify address step is performed by a person with the role of verifier .

  4. 目前几乎没有关于在UML部署图中使用可视化衍型的标准,一般的经验法则是,使用你可以找到的最合适的剪贴画。

    There are few standards for applying visual stereotypes on UML deployment diagrams , but the general rule of thumb is to use the most appropriate clip art that you can find .

  5. 图中的剪贴画小人代表什么?

    What does the stick figure man in the diagram represent ?

  6. 翻转剪贴画可为页面提供对称的平衡。

    Flipping a clip can provide symmetrical balance to the page .

  7. 在有的地方剪贴画也会贴在窗上。

    In some places , red paper-cuts are pasted to the window .

  8. 执行剪贴画数量和大小搜索。

    Conduct a search for clip art quantity and size .

  9. 显示小型商业剪贴画的在线预览。

    Online previews that show the small business clip art .

  10. 此套剪贴画为世界各地的著名标志

    Package of clip art depicting landmarks from around the world

  11. 用于自选图形和主题集的剪贴画文件。

    Clip art files for the Autoshapes and Themes collection .

  12. 在线预览剪贴画标准收集。

    Online previews that show the standard collection clip art .

  13. 可以添加到您的文档中的剪贴画集合。

    Collection of Clipart images that can be added to your documents .

  14. 剪贴画和多媒体服务不可用。

    The Clip Art and Media Service is not available .

  15. 请选择一个词,然后单击观看剪贴画。

    Select a word and click View Clip Art .

  16. 显示公司剪贴画的在线预览。

    Online previews that show the corporate clip art .

  17. 描述小型商业主题的剪贴画。

    Clip art images that depict small business themes .

  18. 您是否使用酒店形象剪贴画或模板图像?

    Do you use Clipart or Template imagery ?

  19. 仅包括剪贴画检索(与典型安装相同)

    Clipart Indexes Only ( Same as Typical )

  20. 在“插入”菜单上,指向“图片”,然后单击“剪贴画”。

    On the insert menu , point to picture , and then click clip art .

  21. 复制属于图片类别的剪贴画图像和预览。

    Copy photographic Clipart images and thumbnails .

  22. 删除所有不必要的部分后,可以重新组合剪贴画。

    When you have deleted all the unnecessary parts , you can regroup the clip .

  23. 长期以来,它的内置模板一直丑陋难看,剪贴画俗不可耐,动画引人发笑。

    The built-in templates have long been ugly , the clip-art tacky and the animations risible .

  24. 可以使用表示特定国家(地区)、省份或地区的剪贴画。

    You can use clip art that represents a specific country , state , or region .

  25. 无法读取剪贴画文件%1。不支持这种多媒体文件格式。

    Could not load clip art file % 1 . This multimedia file format is not supported .

  26. 人们喜爱图片!请用这些免版权费的剪贴画、照片、声音和动画增强您的作品效果吧。

    People love pictures ! Enhance your work with royalty-free clip art , photos , sounds and animations .

  27. 要了解如何旋转或冲蚀剪贴画,请参见本文的相关链接部分。

    To learn how to rotate or wash out clips , see the related links section of this article .

  28. 超光谱遥感图像降维及分类方法研究复制属于图片类别的剪贴画图像和预览。

    Research on Dimensional Reduction and Classification of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image ; Copy photographic Clipart images and thumbnails .

  29. 在包含要裁剪的照片或剪贴画的文档或文件中,单击图像。

    In your document or file containing the photo or clip you want to crop , click on the image .

  30. 图7说明了绘图工具中的图形混淆的情况。图中的剪贴画小人代表什么?

    Figure 7 shows confusing graphics from a drawing tool . What does the stick figure man in the diagram represent ?