
  1. 根据敦煌彩塑的自身形态、位置、尺寸等特征,以及当前计算机的运算能力,我们把彩塑漫游的方法归结为3D建模和IBR漫游两大类;

    Based on the shape , location , size of statue in Dunhuang Cave , and the compute capacity of modern computer , we category the method to show the statue into two ways : 3D modeling and IBR .

  2. 并针对敦煌石窟中的典型代表文物:敦煌壁画与彩塑的特点,提出了面向高精度记录和展示要求的敦煌壁画和彩塑对象的数字化获取方法和规范。

    In addition , according to the specialties of the representative heritages of Dunhuang Art Cave , the methods and criterions for recording murals and painted sculptures are proposed , that can satisfy the requirements of the high-precision documentation and representation of digital heritages .