
  • 网络shear rate;shear velocity;Cutting speed;rate of shear
  1. 同时,还研究了剪切速度和润滑膜厚度对层间滑移长度的影响。

    The interlayer slip was found to be influence by the shear rate and thickness of film .

  2. 由于固体表面强烈的吸附作用,层间滑移发生在密度分布的峰谷处并随剪切速度的增加而增强,当膜厚度增加时,滑移长度减小至消失。

    Interlayer slip occurred in the density valley and increased with increasing shear rate , but decreased with the film thickness increased .

  3. 提高CV型棒材飞剪机剪切速度的途径分析

    The method of increasing cutting speed of CV flying shear

  4. 为研究剪切速度对材料性能、变形和断裂的影响,采用微型剪切配合SEM(扫描电镜照片)及硬度分析。

    In order to investigate the influence of shear speed on material property , deformation and fracture , the micro-shear test was conducted with the examination of SEM ( Scanning Electron Microscope ) and hardness in this paper .

  5. 微型剪切速度对材料性能、变形和断裂的影响

    Influence of micro-shear speed on material property of deformation and fracture

  6. 后一部分与相对剪切速度有关。

    The other is plastic part dependent on the relative shear velocity .

  7. 而剪切速度、熔体温度及2,7-萘二酚链节含量对此两种粘度有重大的影响。

    The two kinds of viscosities were significantly affected by the rate of shear , melt temperature and2,7-naphthalenediol unit content .

  8. 当膜液出喷丝头的剪切速度达到某一极限值时(不同膜液体系,此极限值不同),获得了压密性能优良的聚砜中空纤维超滤膜。

    Hollow fiber membranes with excellent compressive strength were obtained when the spinning rate of the dope reached a certain limit .

  9. 且混凝剂(无机或有机)投入量越多,最佳的流体剪切速度、剪切时间均稍微下降。

    The more dosage of coagulant ( inorganic or organic ), the optimal of fluid-shear velocity and time will descend a little .

  10. 也对比分析了不同配比淀粉胶粘剂表观粘度随温度和剪切速度的变化规律。

    The influence of temperature and shear rate variation on apparent viscosity of starch adhesive of different combinations had been also investigated .

  11. 并分析了重叠量、侧向间隙、剪切速度等工艺参数对剪切力的影响。

    And the impact of the parameters on shear force was analyzed , which includes overlap , side gap , cutting speeds and so on .

  12. 本文提出了这种飞剪机刃尖轨迹、刃尖运动速度、剪刃开度、剪切速度和剪切变形速度等各项分析表达式。

    Hence , the expressions for edge traces and velocities , shearing speed and strain rate , gap between edges are suggested in this Paper .

  13. 纤维粒子旋转扩散与流场的剪切速度有关,在流线曲率大的区域,纤维与流线的夹角较大,并有最优取向:而在纤维与流向一致的区域内流线比较平直。

    The diffusion of rotation is concerned with shear velocity . The particles have large angle and optimal orientation in the region with large curve flow stream .

  14. 试验表明:剪切速度越大,浇铸温度越低,静置时间适中时半固态镁合金浆料制备的镁板带组织的固相颗粒越细小、均匀、圆整。

    It shows that the lower moulding temperature , the higher shearing rate in a moderate staying time , the smaller , more symmetrical and more rounded grain .

  15. 结果表明,剪切速度达到一定值时膜阻力变化不明显,而随着压力提高膜阻力迅速提高。

    The results indicate that the change of membrane resistance is not active when the shear velocity amounts to a certain degree , and membrane resistance will increase quickly with the increasing of pressure .

  16. 论文工作分为四个部分:1.对不同的胶凝剂浓度、水合温度、剪切速度以及盐浓度下溶胶溶液的表观粘度进行考察。

    Thesis work is divided into four parts : 1 . The paper reviews the apparent viscosity of sol solution under different concentrations of gelling agents , hydration temperature , shear rate and salinity .

  17. 胶体性质方面:高岭土和腐殖酸悬浊液的最佳流体剪切速度无明显差别。

    On the properties of colloid , the optimal of fluid-shear rate has no clear difference in the suspended of kaoline and humic acid , however , there is marked distinction in the optimal fluid-shear time .

  18. 绝大多数乳化液在低剪切速度下(低于50s-1),呈现剪切变稀行为;在剪切速率超过1000s-1时呈现牛顿行为。

    The most of emulsion shows the sheared dilution behavior under the lower shear rate ( less than 50 s ~ ( - 1 )) while as the shear rate is higher than 1 000 s ~ ( - 1 ), the emulsion shows Newtonian behavior .

  19. 考察了膜液温度、内外凝胶温度和腹液出喷丝头的剪切速度对聚砜中空纤维超滤膜性能的影响。

    The effect of the dope temperature ( spinning temperature ), temperature of coagulant ( outside and inside ) and the spinning rate that the dope was spinned out of the spinneret on the performance of the final polysulfone hollow fiber ultrafiltration membranes has been studied .

  20. 单孔法剪切波速度测试的一维CT解释

    Interpretation of one-dimensional CT of shear wave velocity testing by single hole method

  21. 本文结合有限元法与半无限元法研究了成层地基中土层的剪切波速度,质量密度和厚度对Love波速度弥散曲线以及相应的位移分布的影响。

    The effect of shear velocity , density and thickness in layered soils on love wave dispersion curve and its displacement distribution is studied in this paper by using finite element method and semi-infinite element method .

  22. 本文通过合成SH波理论地震图的方法,利用SS-S走时和SS波波形资料,研究了我国上地幔剪切波速度结构。

    In this paper SS-S travel times and SS waveforms have been used to study the upper mantle shear velocity structure of China by modeling SH synthetic seismograms .

  23. 本文分析了华北地区近50个台站下方800km深度内的剪切波速度结构。

    In this paper , the shear wave velocity structures beneath nearly 50 stations in North China were analyzed down to a depth of 800 km .

  24. 基于并行遗传算法的场地浅层剪切波速度结构反演

    Research of Parallel Genetic Algorithm for Shallow S-Wave Velocity Structure Inversion

  25. 中国上地幔剪切波速度结构的初步研究

    Preliminary study of upper mantle shear velocity structure of China

  26. 剪切波速度结构研究方法综述

    The general statement on shear wave velocity structure research methods

  27. 华北地区深部地幔剪切波速度结构研究

    Study on mantle shear wave velocity structures in North China

  28. 本文提出采用多重相关分析来分析剪切波速度。

    This paper proposes using multiple correlation analysis to analyze shear wave velocity .

  29. 剪切波速度测量及其在工程中的应用

    Velocity measurement of shear wave and application in Engineering

  30. 利用综合地脉动法测定剪切波速度

    Determination of shear wave velocity by microseism observation in combination with forced micro-vibration