
jiǎn cǎo jī
  • grass mower;scythe mower;lawn mower;mower
剪草机[jiǎn cǎo jī]
  1. 只有在苏格兰我们才会把价值数千镑的车子停在外面,却把废物和兼价剪草机锁在车房。

    Only in Scotland do we leave cars worth thousands of pounds on the drive and lock our junk and cheap lawn mower in the garage .

  2. 缅因州,瓦萨波罗镇-该州一名男子被指控酒后驾”车“。之前,他和一位朋友开着一辆剪草机去买啤酒。

    VASSALBORO , Maine – A Maine man has been charged with operating under the influence after he and a friend made a beer run on a riding lawn mower .

  3. 有个男的一只脚绞进剪草机里了。

    A man caught his foot in the lawnmower .

  4. 数名司机报告有一个没有方向的剪草机惹恼了警员JoeChretien,于是在Ross和他的朋友从一家杂货店拎着两箱啤酒出来后将两人逮捕。

    Trooper Joe Chretien had been flagged down by several motorists warning of a wayward mower and made the arrest after Ross and his friend emerged from a variety store with two cases of beer .

  5. 约翰到邻居家借剪草机。

    John went to his neighbor 's home to borrow his lawnmower .

  6. 摇摆式连杆,草坪割草机或草地剪草机用

    Connecting-rod , oscillating , for lawnmowers or grass cutters

  7. 约翰不可以没有得到许可借用剪草机。

    John may not use the lawnmower without permission .

  8. 我们应该扔掉这台剪草机。

    We ought to throw out that mower .

  9. 而对美国消费者而言,Robomow剪草机及其市场竞争者都面临着长期可靠性的问题。

    For American consumers , one big question for Robomow and its competitors is long-term reliability .

  10. 高个子男孩说,“我把草坪修整完了”,“而且把剪草机也放好了!”

    " I have mowed the grass ," the tall boy said ," And put the mower away !"

  11. 一位男子因为在醉酒时驾驶剪草机,被投入监狱,出来后,有因为没有给自家草坪煎草而被罚。

    A man was put in jail for riding his lawnmower while drunk then fined for not mowing his lawn .

  12. 其余的拖拉机或是使用皮带传动系统,或是由小型发动机提供动力,农民必须亲自操作,就像“人在后面走的”剪草机。

    The remainder use crude belt-drive systems or are powered by tiny engines with the farmer himself having to guide the machine , as in a " walk-behind " lawnmower .

  13. 不过分析家们都给新一代机器人剪草机的可靠性评出了高分。此外,电动剪草机无需每年维护,而燃气割草机的用户则要面对这一问题。

    But analysts give the latest generation of robotic mowers good marks for reliability , and electric mowers generally require none of the annual maintenance faced by owners of gas-powered mowers .

  14. 烤面包机虽然摔过但仍可以用剪草机有些钝了但仍可以用;可用飞机;洗碗机正在用。

    The toaster was still functional even after being dropped ; the lawnmower is a bit rusty but still usable ; an operational aircraft ; the dishwasher is now in wording order .