
  • 网络Nina;Nena;Nina Williams
  1. “最亲爱的尼娜”,信的开始这样写道。

    ' Dearest Nina ' , the letter began .

  2. 尼娜在学建筑。

    Nina is studying to be an architect .

  3. 尼娜与桌子对面的姐妹们目光相遇。

    Nina 's eyes met her sisters ' across the table

  4. 他得为尼娜付一大笔私立学校的学费。

    He will have to fork out for private school fees for Nina

  5. 尼娜看起来像极了茜茜·斯帕赛克。

    Nina looks the spitting image of Sissy Spacek .

  6. 尼娜无法将她的视线从菲利普身上移开。

    Nina couldn 't take her eyes off Philip .

  7. 尼娜看起来好像能够使一个小球悬浮在双手之间。

    Nina can , apparently , levitate a small ball between her hands .

  8. 吃过晚饭,尼娜和玛丽在厨房里收拾。

    Nina and Mary were in the kitchen , cleaning up after dinner .

  9. 尼娜好不容易挣脱出来,拿起枕头用力扑打火焰。

    Nina managed to free herself and began beating at the flames with a pillow

  10. 尼娜加塞儿排在利迪后边。

    Nina pushed in next to Liddie .

  11. 尼娜一直都在弹钢琴。

    Nina had been playing the piano

  12. 尼娜打了会盹。

    Nina drowsed for a while .

  13. 尼娜将银餐具收拾到盒子里去的时候发现少了一把调羹。

    There was a serving spoon missing when Nina put the silverware back in its box .

  14. 他说会跟尼娜提出离婚,可是他却从未付诸实际。

    He said he 'd ask Nina for a divorce , but he never did anything about it .

  15. 对成了父亲和哥哥紧张关系的焦点,尼娜有点幸灾乐祸。

    Nina took a kind of dark pleasure in being the focus of the tension between her father and her brother .

  16. 公共汽车上只坐满了一半。尽管如此,一个年轻男子还是问尼娜她旁边的座位有没有人坐。

    The bus was only half full . Even so , a young man asked Nina if the seat next to her was taken

  17. 尼娜突然感到一阵恐慌。

    Nina felt a sudden dart of panic .

  18. 在反恐组,杰米说服了杰克,不让尼娜染指机密的文件

    At CTU , Jamey convinces Jack to shut Nina off from confidential access .

  19. 在最后关头,尼娜突然转弯,将车猛烈撞入一辆停着的车中

    At the last moment , Nina swerves and slams into a parked car .

  20. 在反恐组,杰米说服了杰克,不让尼娜问鼎秘要的文件

    Bt DTU , Jamey convinces Jack to shut Nina off from confidential access .

  21. 租客尼娜-托尔哈格告诉英国广播公司(BBC)的记者,房东已经告诉她,在两个星期内搬离。

    One tenant Ninna Thorhuge told the BBC she had been given just two weeks notice by her landlord that she had to move out .

  22. 每当秋季来临的时候,尼娜•加西亚(NinaGarcia)总要穿梭于纽约、米兰和巴黎时装周,整整四周、每天16个小时总是从早忙到晚。

    Nina Garcia typically kicks off fall with four weeks of16-hour days during the New York , Milan and Paris fashion weeks .

  23. 另外,Mammoth公司签下了编剧尼娜雷恩来改写这部小说,Nina也是今年国家大剧院上演的高分话剧Consent的编剧。

    Furthermore , Mammoth has nabbed playwright Nina Raine to pen the adaptation , who was behind this year 's highly-praised Consent at the National Theatre .

  24. NPR的尼娜·图腾伯格报道,自从2003年它最后裁决平权,最高法院的组成已经改变了。

    NPR 's Nina Totenberg reports the makeup of this supreme court has changed since it last ruled on affirmative action in 2003 .

  25. 穿着海军蓝和奶油色的J.Mendel礼服,艾默在晚上与她的好莱坞演员和导演丈夫乔治,以及她的姻亲尼克和尼娜克鲁尼共同出席了这场颁奖典礼。

    Wearing a navy and cream flowing J. Mendel gown , Clooney was accompanied by her Hollywood actor and director husband George on the night , as well as her in-laws , Nick and Nina Clooney .

  26. 埃米塔日博物馆(Hermitage)去年的参观人数达310万人次。该博物馆游客服务部的主管尼娜·V·斯兰特瓦(NinaV.Silanteva)说,对游客人数的唯一限制是“博物馆本身的空间或冬天衣帽间里衣架的个数”。

    At the Hermitage , which had 3.1 million visitors last year , the only cap on the number of visitors is " the physical limitations of the space itself , or the number of hangers in the coat room during the winter , " said Nina V. Silanteva , the head of the museum 's visitor services department .

  27. 尼娜只是迷迷糊糊地知道医生进来了。

    Nina was only dimly aware of the doctor coming in .

  28. 尼娜,我是生产部的马尔科姆。

    Man : Nina , this is Malcolm , from Production .

  29. 妈妈:你皮肤怎么样?尼娜:很好。

    Mom : How is your skin ? Nina : Fine .

  30. 你会替我转告她吗,尼娜?

    Would you tell her that for me please , nina ?