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  1. 元代官营工商业手工业劳动者最初就是来源于唯匠屠免的战争俘虏,其使主将他们称为驱口。

    The first handicraft laborers of Yuan Official business were derived from the war prisoners of " only carpenter not be killed ", and the Lord called them " drive mouth " .

  2. 在起义中,大量驱口(比当时佃农的社会地位还要低)、奴隶、匠户争得了自由,为明初的生产发展创造了条件。

    In the rising , many Qukou ( they had lower social status than the tenants ) , slaves and craftsmen got their freedom and created conditions for the production development in the early years of the Ming Dynasty .

  3. 根据河南油田6个聚合物驱区块83口注聚井的现场资料,研究分析了聚合物注入压力的3种变化趋势,并结合现场的实际处理效果提出了相应对策。

    Based on the field data of 83 wells of 6 injection blocks in Henan Oilfield , 3 tendencies of the polymer flooding pressure changes are analytically studied , thus related countermeasures are proposed in combination with field operation efficiencies .