
  • 网络The Exorcist
  1. 每个人都惊恐于电影“驱魔人”的时候

    While everybody else was being scared by The Exorcist ,

  2. 每个人都惊恐于电影“驱魔人”的时候。

    While everybody else was being scared by the exorcist .

  3. 我感觉自己像是《驱魔人》中的牧师。

    I feel not unlike the priest in the exorcist .

  4. 我最好把钥匙交给某个驱魔人。

    I guess I 'll drop off the keys and the number to an exorcist .

  5. 如果你在找一位驱魔人,那我无法胜任。

    If you need somebody to perform an exorcism , I 'm not your man .

  6. 驱魔人也有块不错的地盘。

    Exorcist got some decent spot .

  7. 迄今为止,《驱魔人》仍然是最可怕的恐怖电影之一。

    The Exorcist is nonetheless cemented as one of the most frightening horror films to date .

  8. 《驱魔人》:158卡路里

    The Exorcist : 158 calories

  9. 排在第二位的是《大白鲨》,观看者平均消耗161卡路里热量;排在第三的是《驱魔人》,平均消耗量为158卡路里。

    Jaws took the runner-up spot , with viewers burning on average 161 calories , and The Exorcist came third , with 158 calories .