
  1. 低污染少水制革工艺研究状况概述

    Research situation of leather-making technology with low pollution and short liquor

  2. 我经常住在少水的干燥地区。

    I often live in dry areas where there is little water .

  3. 注浆技术在少水或无水中粗砂层中的应用

    Application of injected technology in less-water medium-sand seam

  4. 将疫苗送到需要的人群手上,就意味着要跋山涉水,前往缺电少水,不能制冷的地方。

    Reaching the relevant populations often means traveling to areas where electricity and refrigeration are spotty at best .

  5. 暖干少水、冷湿多水是80年代以来华北地区月气候变化的主导类型。

    The warm dry little water and the cold wet much water is main type of monthly climatic variation .

  6. 空冷机组是富煤少水地区或干旱地区建设火力发电厂的最佳选择。

    Air cooling unit is the best choice for thermal power plant in area which is rich in coal and poor in water or in drought areas .

  7. 多肉类植物,可生存于高温少水的环境,使得它们成为非常容易打理的盆栽类园艺,下面教大家怎么做自己的多肉组合。

    Succulent plants thrive in high heat with little water , making them perfect for low-maintenance container gardens . Here 's how to plant your own container of succulents .

  8. 澳洲四面环海,沿海一带也是众多大城市的所在地,然而,澳洲中部的绝大部分地区却是极热少水的干旱气候。

    Australia is surrounded by oceans , and this is where most of the major cities can be found , however , the majority of the land in the middle of Australia is too hot and lacking in water .

  9. 通过分析我国煤炭资源、水资源、电力发展的基本情况和分布特点,阐述了富煤少水地区火电工业发展所面临的水资源困境与节约用水的战略意义;

    The difficulty of water resource and the strategic meaning of water saving at area of rich coal and short water were illustrated through analyzing the basic instance and distribution character of national coal , water resource and power developing .

  10. 三类花岗岩都具碱性、无水(或少水)、非造山的人型花岗岩特点,因此将它们统归为A型花岗岩套。

    All of these three groups of granites are characterized by " alkali ", " no ( or a few ) water " as well as " nonmountain building " . The author , therefore , calls all of them as A-type granite sets .

  11. 利用辽宁省25个台站1960&2005年逐候的降水资料,运用降水集中度和集中期分别讨论了辽宁省降水时空分布特征和变化规律,同时对多水年和少水年的集中度进行了比较。

    By use pentad precipitation data at 25 stations in Liaoning Province from 1960 to 2005 , the characteristics of the spatial-temporal distribution and variation of the precipitation are analyzed , in terms of the precipitation concentration degree ( PCD ) and precipitation concentration period ( PCP ) .

  12. 大卫·松本(DavidMasumoto)一家在弗雷斯诺有一处店铺,批发经营占地80英亩的果园中出产的果实,这些日子以来,他们有意用尽可能少的水来灌溉,因此要出售较小的“金粉”桃子就变得有些困难。

    David Masumoto , whose family produces a boutique crop of organic stone fruit on 80 acres south of Fresno , had a difficult time selling their petite Gold Dust peaches , which they intentionally grew using as little water as possible .

  13. 适合…它能适应含氧量少的水。

    It can adapt itself to water with low oxygen content .

  14. 如果得到的热量太少,水就会冻成固体。

    Too little , and the water would freeze solid .

  15. 淡水越来越少,水污染越来越重。

    Less and less fresh water , increasing water pollution .

  16. 水和不溶物含量的测定它能适应含氧量少的水。

    It adapts itself to water with low oxygen content .

  17. 加入番茄酱翻炒,加入少许水;

    Put in some ketchup to turn-fry , and then add in water .

  18. 二:你可以少加点水。

    Two : you can add less water .

  19. 他的父亲喝下一杯酒后接着又喝了少许水。

    His father chased down a glass of wine with a drop of water .

  20. 这里当然也少不了水滑梯,以及其他老少皆宜的娱乐项目。

    There are also several water slides and other activities that people of all ages can enjoy .

  21. 它能适应含氧量少的水。海水中盐的含量是多少?

    It adapts itself to water with low oxygen content . What is the concentration of salt in sea water ?

  22. 这可能是由于缺乏化肥、资源管理或农艺学不良、在错误的时间有太多水或太少的水。

    It may be lack of fertilisers , poor husbandry or agronomy , too much water or too little at the wrong time .

  23. 喝太少的水会影响你的能量水平,情绪,和注意力,所以当你工作的时候,记得要喝水。

    Not drinking enough water can affect your energy level , mood , and concentration , so remember to drink up while you 're at work .

  24. 对我国水资源状况进行了深入分析,水多、水少、水脏、水浑和生态失衡是我国水资源的现状。

    The state of water resources in China is thoroughly analyzed that excess , shortage , pollution and ecological imbalance of water resources are the main problems .

  25. 中国人口多耕地少,水资源不足,经营规模小,农村欠发达,中部大部分地区尚处在传统农业阶段。

    China 's population less arable land , water shortage , small business , rural underdevelopment , most of the central region is still in traditional agricultural stage .

  26. 黑龙江西部半干旱区为我国主要的粮食生产基地,该区年均降水量少,水资源紧缺问题十分严重。

    The semiarid region of western Heilongjiang province is an important grain production base in China . However , in the area , average annual rainfall is few and the shortage of water resources is very serious .

  27. 论文利用正交试验改进了少铬水性铝基金属微粉涂层的处理液配方和制备工艺流程,并在此基础上研制开发出无铬水性铝基金属微粉涂层的工艺配方。

    The paper utilize orthogonal test improve short chromium waterborne aluminium-based metallic micro-powder coating treatment liquid of coating fill a prescription and prepare technological process , develop , have chromium waterborne aluminium-based metallic micro-powder coating craft of coating fill a prescription on this basis .

  28. 干旱缺水是制约农业生产发展的主要因素之一,而农业节水灌溉就是用尽可能少的水投入,取得尽可能多农作物产品的一种农业高效用水模式;

    Aridity and water shortage is one of the main factors to restrict agriculture development , and the agriculture saving water irrigation is the mode of agriculture watering efficiently with the possibly little water to throw in and obtaining the possibly much more farm crop product ;

  29. 我国辽西地区由于水资源年际、年内变化大、水量少、水污染严重,已经并将继续成为制约其生态、经济、社会发展的重要瓶颈因素之一。

    Large variation , small quantity and severe pollution of water resources of western Liaoning province have already become one of the " bottle-neck " factors that restrict the development of ecology , economy and society of this area , and this situation will last for years .

  30. 含水实验中CH4占烃类气体产物的92%并有CO2生成,固体残余物非常少,表明水直接参与了化学反应,为烃类气体的形成提供氢源,为CO2的形成提供氧源。

    It shows that CH 4 make up about 92 % of the total gas hydrocarbon products , CO 2 and very little solid residue were existed in the hydrous pyrolysis experiment .