
  • 网络Rivera;Ribera;Geraldo Rivera
  1. 作为三个孩子的母亲,里韦拉经营着一家规模不大的汽车旅馆。她转而决定报名参加科罗拉多科技大学在线(ColoradoTechnicalUniversityOnline)的一个远程学习课程。

    Instead Ms Rivera , a mother of three who manages a small motel , chose to enrol in an distance-learning programme at Colorado Technical University Online .

  2. 像很多上班族一样,康涅狄格州Middletown市社区卫生中心的医生里韦拉(IvelisseRivera)被越来越多的工作压得喘不过气来。

    Like many workers , Ivelisse Rivera , a physician at Community Health Center , Middletown , Conn. , feels stressed-out by mounting workloads .

  3. 当贾宁•里韦拉(JaneenRivera)决定重返校园修个商业大专文凭时,她首先考察的是距她纽约北部的家半径30英里范围之内的课程。

    When Janeen Rivera decided to go back to school to earn an associate 's degree in business , she first looked into programmes within a 30-mile radius of her home in upstate New York .

  4. 最近,里韦拉要求更换米斯科不久前招聘的750名警官中的300人。

    Just recently , Rivera asked for the replacement of300 of the750 newly-hired police officers based in Mixco .

  5. 20世纪早期,里韦拉(D.Rivera)等人复兴了湿壁画,常作为政治艺术的媒介。

    In the early20th century it was revived by Diego Rivera and others , often as a medium for political art .

  6. 负责组织这次家长会议的警员们发出呵呵的笑声,但他们知道,里韦拉对腐败绝不留情。

    The police officers who had organized the parents ' meeting chuckled , but they know that Rivera is very serious about corruption .

  7. 为了实现这一目标,里韦拉需加强机制性的合作,并让更多来自中央政府的同盟力量参与进来。

    In order to do so , the mayor needs to strengthen institutional collaboration and bring on board more powerful allies from the central government .

  8. 里韦拉市长目前正在竞选连任。他知道,犯罪问题是他竞选时的一个重点问题,甚至可能是最重要的一个问题。

    Mayor Rivera , who is running for re-election , knows crime will be a main issue in his campaign , perhaps the single most important one .

  9. 这个推想可以运用到人类身上。这种理论虽然把败血症简单化了,但是里韦拉指出,确认受体的存在就能够让药品研究人员有的放矢地去研制能够降低败血症威胁的药物。

    That 's a simplification , but Rivera says identifying that receptor could give drug researchers a target for medicines that would reduce the threat of sepsis .

  10. 总统办公室称,2012年1月,前肥皂剧明里韦拉用个人支票支付部分房款。

    In January 2012 , Ms Rivera , a former soap star , paid for part of the property with a personal cheque , said the presidency statement .

  11. 但随着汽油价格逐渐升至每加仑4美元以上,里韦拉迅速意识到,交通费用会导致学费成本大幅上升。

    But with the cost of petrol edging above $ 4 a gallon , MS Riverra quickly realised that her travel expenses would substantially add to the price of tuition .

  12. 总统办公室补充称,里韦拉一直在定期缴纳尾款,最近一次是今年10月份,一旦房款付清,该房产就会转入里韦拉名下。

    She had been paying the balance regularly , most recently in October , and the property would be transferred to her name when she had paid it off , it added .