
cè lì jì
  • Dynamometer;ergometer;dynameter;auxiometer;auxometer
测力计[cè lì jì]
  1. 对预应力锚索测力计在张拉过程中及锁定后锚固预应力的变化特征、变化趋势作了初步分析。

    The changing character and tendency of anchoring prestress are analyzed during the pulling of tendon dynameter and after it is anchored .

  2. 锚索测力计的应用对锚束张拉过程校核及运行管理期闸墩受力状态监测提供了可靠的数据。

    During the process examination of straining and pulling of anchor-ties and floodgate pillar stressful condition 's monitor in the movement management time , the anchor-cable dynameter application has provided the reliable data .

  3. WH数显式拉压测力计存在的问题及改进措施

    Problems in WH Digital Pull Force Gange and the Countermeasures

  4. 本文介绍了GMS-500型锚索测力计在梅山铁矿深埋大变形地下硐室工程中应用情况。

    The paper describes the application of GMS-500 tension meter of anchor rope in the greatly deformed deep underground cavity engineering in Meishan Iron Mine .

  5. WH数显式拉压测力计在使用中暴露出的不足主要有二点:一是不能显示WH数显式拉压测力计受力变化过程,二是容易出现死机现象。

    There are two drawbacks in the application of WH digital pull force gange : one is that it can not show the change of stress of WH digital pull force gange , and the other is that it usually leads to the halted system .

  6. 铸铁摩擦焊接弹性测力计的设计计算

    FRICTION WELDING OF CAST IRON Design and calculation of elastic dynamometers

  7. 锚索张拉千斤顶标定值与测力计读数误差分析

    Calibration of anchor rope stretching jack and reading error analysis of dynamometer

  8. 应用半导体测力计测量固体和液体的密度

    Measure the Density of Solid and Liquid by the Semi-Conductor

  9. 测力计是体育运动与康复训练的器具。

    Dynamometer is a kind of appliance for sports and rehabilitation training .

  10. 弦式锚索测力计数据缺陷修正方法探讨

    Discussion on the modification method for defective data of anchor load cells

  11. 带有温度补偿的光纤光栅锚杆测力计设计

    Design on Optical Fiber and Optical Grating Bolt Dynamometer with Temperature Compensation

  12. 圆筒式测力传感计为大吨位预应力结构测力装置,现已形成一个系列。该系列测力计的研制成功,填补了国内该类量测仪器的空白。

    The cylindrical dynamometer is a force measuring equipment of large-tonnage prestressing structure .

  13. 计数式测力计打印记录系统软硬件设计

    Hardware-software design of counter-type dynamometer printing and recording system

  14. 轮制测功器制动测力计移动电站自动测试设备

    Brake dynamometer mobile power station automatic test equipment

  15. 利用钠的光谱演示器修复测力计

    Repairing Ergometer with Sodium 's Spectrum Demonstrator

  16. DZ-A型电子测力计的研究

    Researches on model DZ-A electronic dynamometer

  17. 手锤,贱金属制(不包括电动锤和外科和内科用锤)摆锤式测功器摆锤式测力计

    Hand hammer of base metal ( excl. power-operated and surgical and medical hammers ) pendulum dynamometer

  18. 本文介绍了几种常用的弹性测力计的设计计算方法,并附有计算实例。

    The article introduces the design and calculating methods of elastic dynamometers for general use , with explanatory example .

  19. 振弦传感技术的新进展及新型锚索测力计

    New developments of self-excitation vibrating-wire sensor technology and new type force sensor for pulling force measurement of anchor cable

  20. 文章根据以往的科研试验成果和经验教训,分析探讨了可用于动态传动效率研究的闸瓦测力计方案。

    On the basis of experiments and experiences past , a variety of available schemes of measurement was analyzed and compared .

  21. 该测力计曾在生产矿山作了试验,效果良好,达到了预期目的。

    This dynamometer has been tested in some produced mines , the result is good , and achieve the expect goal .

  22. 试验主要通过对单向/换向、单向/双向等不同的张拉工艺方法,利用锚索测力计等仪器进行监测,获取了重要的技术参数。

    Loadcells were adopted in both single and double direction construction techniques , with which those important parameters can be obtained .

  23. 三峡永久船闸无粘结预应力锚束测力计安装及监测成果分析

    Installation of dynamometer for prestressing anchor cable without cohesion in permanent lock of Three Gorges Project & analysis on its monitoring achievements

  24. 方法:在60具尸体标本的胸骨上确定24个穿刺点(胸骨柄、胸骨角各3个穿刺点,胸骨体为18个穿刺点),用骨穿针、测力计及游标卡尺等进行测量。

    Methods : The puncture was carried out on sixty cadaver specimens with puncture needle and measured with dynamometer and vernier caliper .

  25. 用一系列标准环式测力计施加活荷载,其接触点均匀分布于面板的上部表面。

    The live loads were applied by a standard system of ring dynamometers with attachment points distributed uniformly on the upper surface of the decking .

  26. 钻孔测斜技术在某电站锚索施工中的应用实践弦式锚索测力计数据缺陷修正方法探讨

    Application of Bore Incline-measure Technology in Anchor Cable Construction of a Huge Hydropower Station Discussion on the modification method for defective data of anchor load cells

  27. 方法:运动组患者进行为期3周的自行车测力计训练、平板步行训练和徒步行走训练;

    METHODS : The patients in the movement group underwent three weeks of movement training ( bicycle ergometer , treadmill walking and walking on foot ) .

  28. 文中对锚杆测力计的工作原理、测力计弹性元件的设计计算、测力计的技术特征等作了论述。

    The working principle of rockbolt dynamometer , the design calculate of elastic units of dynamometer , the technological characteristics of dynamometer etc are discussed in the article .

  29. 三峡永久船闸高边坡布设预应力锚束4367束,安装预应力锚束测力计101台,计91束。

    In the high sides of permanent lock of Three Gorges Project , 4367 prestressing anchor cables were set up , and 101 dynamometers for 91 prestressing cables were installed .

  30. 水平剪力施加系统采用重力加压,两级变矩传动,传动系中配置了滚动轴承,安装了测力计,保证了试验数据的准确性。

    Gravitational load and two step horizontal shearing force alteration are applied to horizontal shearing force and rolling bearing and ergometer in transmission system is installed to ensure veracity of testing data .