
cè shì jì lù
  • test record
  1. 本文最后进行了系统测试,包括链路连接测试、心跳检测、交互流程测试及测试记录查询测试。

    Finally , this article completes the system test , including link connection test , heartbeat detection , interactive process testing and test record query test .

  2. 生成在测试记录过程中被访问的Web页面的HTML视图

    Rendered HTML view of Web pages visited during test recording

  3. 测试记录单是依据事先定义好的excel模板完成的。

    The testing record sheet is accomplished based on beforehand defined Excel template .

  4. 图10显示了一个场景,该场景合并来自相同HTTP测试记录的三个测试模块。

    Figure 10 shows a scenario that combines three test modules derived from the same HTTP test recording .

  5. 如果选择内置的记录器来捕获SAPGUI与SAPR/3服务器的交互,那么可以将批量测试记录在SAPGUI中。

    You can record a batch test in the SAP GUI if you select the built-in recorder to capture the interactions of the SAP GUI with the SAP R / 3 server .

  6. 实验高速纹影图像和压力测试记录结果表明变形Tulip火焰传播可分为五个动力学阶段,即球形火焰、指尖形火焰、接触壁面火焰、Tulip火焰和变形Tulip火焰。

    The schlieren images and the pressure records show that the distorted tulip flame propagation can be divided into five stages of dynamics , i.e. spherical flame , finger-shape flame , flame touching the sidewalls , tulip flame and distorted tulip flame .

  7. 10min后用3%氯普鲁卡因0.3ml依次3次阻滞大鼠坐骨神经,用热板、触觉复位、单足跳和肌力测试记录阻滞时间。

    Three sequential sciatic nerve blocks were performed with 0.3 ml of 3 % 2-chloroprocaine 10 min later . Duration of block was recorded with hot-plate , tactile placing , right response and motor strength tests .

  8. 智能焊接参数测试记录系统

    Research of intelligent testing and recording system for electric welding machines

  9. 每次测试记录一个完整的工作记忆任务过程。

    Each test records several complete working memory tasks . 2 .

  10. 点击功能测试记录监视器中的“停止记录”图标。

    Click the Stop Recording icon in the Functional Test Recording monitor .

  11. 对于每个测试记录,此表包含如下内容

    For each tested record , this table contains the following

  12. 这将打开功能测试记录监视器。

    This will open the Functional Test Recording monitor .

  13. 便携式多通道光电传感器测试记录装置

    Portable multichannel light electricity velocity sensor test graph unit

  14. 计量检定测试记录标准化方案的制定

    Established Standardization of Solution of Verification / Testing Record

  15. 因此,我们为每个测试记录了本地及服务器资源。

    Therefore , we logged both local and server resources for each test .

  16. 此表包含每个已测试记录的未验证规则清单。

    This table contains the list of non-verified rules for each tested record .

  17. 熟练掌握这些故障的排除方法是更好的应用这种测试记录仪器的关键所在。

    How to eliminate the breakdown is the key point to its application in engineering practice .

  18. 您也可以使用该工具来生成可靠的测试记录和项目历史数据。

    You can use it to produce reliable records of test results and project history , too .

  19. 再次点击功能测试记录监视器中的“插入验证点或动作命令”图标。

    Again , click the Insert Verification Point or Action Command icon in the Functional Test Recording monitor .

  20. 保留规格,供应商资质与测试记录以保证产品满足纯度,功能与组成。

    Records are maintained of specifications , supplier qualification and testing to ensure product meets purity , strength and composition .

  21. 从1970年开始,对长期连续工作的晶体振荡器进行了故障的测试记录。

    Since 1970 , tests and records of failure have been made for the oscillators which have been in operation continuously .

  22. 然后,通过对测试记录结果的进一步分析,证明了该业务系统功能初步符合设计要求。

    Then , through further analysis on the test results , show that the system meets the design requirements of business .

  23. 在您将一个测试记录分割为小型的测试模块之后,您需要一个在这些模块之间共享数据的机理。

    After you split a test recording into smaller test modules , you need a mechanism for sharing data between them .

  24. 测试记录库:记录每个学生每次测试的成绩、出错情况、对每一部分的知识掌握情况。

    Testing Record Library : Recording every student 's score , errors , mastery condition of every part of knowledge in every test .

  25. 车间温度,湿度记录,车间噪音测试记录,饮用水年度测试。

    Work floor humidity and temperature monitoring records , work floor noise testing records , records of annual testing of drinking water quality .

  26. 目前,我们依据运动员的血液指标测试记录,采用神经网络技术已经实现了运动员身体机能评价和预测。

    Now , based on testing record of blood items , we have implemented the evaluation of athletes ' physical status using Neural Networks .

  27. 测试记录装置用来测试记录弹体的发射过载和飞行数据,主要分为两部分:弹上测试存储系统和地面测速装置。

    It can be divided into two parts : the test and record device in the missile and the speed measurement equipment on the ground .

  28. 所有离奇或不寻常的价值观,应该进行调查,每天在该领域使用的测试记录,测试人员及引擎经营者的访谈,并登录形式。

    All outlying or unusual values should be investigated daily in the field using test records , test crew and engine operator interviews , and log forms .

  29. 此表中行数总是与所测试记录的数量相同,与规则的类型无关。

    The number of rows in this table is always the same as the number of tested records , independent of the output type of the rule .

  30. 火箭助飞鱼雷是鱼雷技术和火箭技术的有机结合,传统的设计是将鱼雷作为助推火箭的弹头,火箭和鱼雷各自具有独立的动力、控制和测试记录系统。

    The design based on practice is to take the torpedo as the warhead with the rocket and torpedo having their propulsion , control and recording systems respectively .