
  • 网络Soviet Sport;Sport in the Soviet Union
  1. 苏联体育近几年来的改革步伐和对我们的提示

    Reform Steps for Russian Sports in Recent Several Years and their Reminders to us

  2. 论50年代学习苏联体育经验

    Discussion Learning Experience of Physical Culture and Sports from the Soviet Union in the Fifties

  3. 特别是在赞扬期和批判期,苏联体育报道与两国政治外交联系非常紧密,随着改革开放的到来,这种影响开始下滑,但并未消失。

    Especially in the praising and criticizing periods , the sports reports in the Soviet Union was tightly connected with the diplomacy between the two countries . With the coming of the reform and opening-up policy , the effect became less and less but did not disappeared .

  4. 在本世纪50年代,我国的社会政治形势和体育的历史背景,决定了体育界着重学习苏联的体育经验。

    In the fifties of this century , the political circumstances and historical background of sports and physical culture decided that China needed to learn experience of sports and physical culture emphatically from the Soviet Union .

  5. 过去,前苏联一直是体育强国,并且一直稳坐奥运金牌榜的榜首,他们参赛项目多,整体实力强。

    In the past , the former Soviet Union has been a sports power , and has played a list of the top Olympic gold medals , they more entries overall is strong .