
  1. CGTR由三部分组成:室内测试认证环境(ITE)、外场测试试验系统(OTE)和应用演示与推广中心(ADC)。

    CGTR consists of three parts : inside test environment ( ITE ), outside test environment ( OTE ) and application demonstration center ( ADC ) .

  2. 有利的报价,我们的产品测试认证作为附件。

    The favorable offer and test certification of our products are as attachments .

  3. 工作职责:拓展灯饰业务,负责灯饰相关安全测试认证项目;

    Job Responsibilities : To develop Lum business and responsible for Lum projects ;

  4. 轿车自动变速箱控制器测试认证系统

    Certification and Testing System of Car Automatic Transmission Controller

  5. 针对国内企业对美国市场在电子和电器产品的安全测试认证方面认识的不足,本文从各个角度对美国市场的认证进行了论述,并提出了一些相应的方案。

    Introduce the US Market approval for the electronic products and its relevant solutions .

  6. 一致性测试认证体系探讨

    Discussion About Conformance Testing and Conformity Certification Scheme

  7. 他认为质量或测试认证是正确的,并且与其职业目标相符合。

    He considers quality or test certification appropriate and in harmony with his career goals .

  8. 敏捷开发包含简短的迭代,每个迭代最后都要执行测试认证。

    The agile development contains short iterations , and each iteration ends with test certification .

  9. 这些信息可以得到评审和报告,帮助您识别,代码是否需要得到单元测试认证,以及单元测试成功执行的程度。

    This information can be viewed and reported on , helping you identify if your code needs unit-test authoring and how successfully running the unit testing has been .

  10. 在测试认证的过程中,该系统在实际应用中的使用可行性、操作优越性及系统维护便捷的优势得到了充分的体现。

    In the process of testing and certification , it shows that the system is useful in practice , and feasible of operating simplicity , and advantaged of easy maintenance .

  11. 据称nuvifone智能手机目前已处在测试认证阶段,并引起了众多运营商的兴趣。

    According to a recent TWICE update , the company is currently taking the phones through the testing phase of the certification process and carriers are very interested in the smartphones .

  12. SoftwareToolbox就是首批其产品通过最新的测试实验室认证的公司之一。

    Software Toolbox is one of the first companies certifying their products through the new Test Lab.

  13. Ada软件测试与认证模型及支持系统

    Model and support system of testing and certification for Ada Software

  14. SGSSA创立于1878年,是领导全球的检验、验证、测试及认证服务翘楚。

    The SGS SA is the global leader and innovator in inspection , verification , testing and certification services .

  15. 所有最新获得测试实验室认证的产品将贴有一个新的‘OPC基金会认证’标志,从而为终端用户提供了卓越的保证。

    All products newly-certified by the Test Lab will carry a new'OPC Foundation Certified'logo , thus providing end users with an assurance of excellence .

  16. sgs世界领先的检验、鉴定、测试和认证机构。

    SGS is the world 's leading inspection , verification , testing and certification company .

  17. 首先讨论Ada软件测试与认证模型,然后描述根据上述模型建立的Ada软件测试与认证活动的支持系统,并介绍该系统的结构、功能和特点。

    A testing and certification model for Ada softwares is presented at first . Then the support system of this model and its structure , function and feature are described .

  18. 此外,为了适应本公司产品在各行业的销售,产品或使用材料均通过:FDA、UL、SGS等测试和认证。

    In addition , in order to accommodate the sale of the company 's products in all sectors , products or materials to : FDA , UL , SGS , such as testing and certification .

  19. 这个发布可以测试身份认证、数字签名以及加密。

    The release is capable of testing authentication , digital signature and encryption .

  20. 我们的蔓越莓是经过精心种植,生产到测试和认证的质量标准。

    Our Cranberry is carefully grown , tested and produced to certified quality standards .

  21. 经测试和认证的本安设备及安全栅应有各自的认证编号。

    Tested and certified intrinsically safe apparatus and safety barriers incorporate individual certification numbers .

  22. 净室软件测试和认证方法基于使用模型的统计测试是统计方法在软件测试上的一种应用。

    Cleanroom software testing-statistical testing based on usage models-is the application of statistical methods to software testing .

  23. 我们为世界范围内的商业和政府承办商提供测试、认证、检验和咨询服务。

    Our test , certification , inspection and consulting services are used by business and government contractors worldwide .

  24. 负责食品测试,认证和验货业务的销售,开发客户,完成销售业绩。

    To promote Food testing , Certification and Inspection business approach the new clients and achieve sales target .

  25. 从事消费品以及工业品的检验测试和认证服务。

    Is engaged in the consumable as well as the industrial product examination tests and authenticates the service .

  26. 但是,经过大量的开发、测试与认证工作,情况正在发生改变:越来越多的航空公司推出了空中乘客通信服务。

    But after extensive development , testing and certification , this is changing as an increasing number of airlines launch inflight passenger communications services .

  27. 本文介绍了电磁兼容的工程应用问题,着重介绍了电子产品的电磁兼容标准、测试、认证与设计等问题。

    This paper introduced the engineering application problem of electromagnetism Compatibility , emphasizing introduced the standard , test , attestation and design for electromagnetism Compatibility of the electronics product .

  28. 本次研讨会所面对的人群,是在安全相关领域工作,负责规划、生产、操作、测试或认证工作的人士。

    This Symposium is the place for those , whose job is concentrated on planning , producing , operating , testing and approving of safety related systems and plants .

  29. 两起事件发生后,faa受到批评,批评者称,资源紧张的该机构高度依赖波音的测试作为安全认证依据。

    Since the two incidents there has been criticism of the extent to which the hard-pressed FAA relied on tests by Boeing as the basis for its safety certification .

  30. 经测试,8021x认证协议性能远远优越于传统的如pppoe和Web/Portal认证方式,网络速度大大提高。

    According to experimentation the performance of authentication protocol 802.1x is more superior than those traditional authentication manners , such as pppoe and Web / Portal , It greatly increases the network speed .