
  • 网络Electrostatic Coupling
  1. 石英音叉陀螺机械及静电耦合误差的消除◆机架,刀架采用整体焊接结构,经振动消除应力,精度保持性好。

    Elimination of Mechanical and Electrostatic Coupling Errors in Quartz Tuning Fork Gyroscopes Machine frame and tool rest are welded systematically .

  2. 一方面,作者检验铁电一顺电双层薄膜和超晶格中包含静电耦合和面空间电荷的贡献的非线性热动力学模型的适用性。

    On one hand , the author examines the validity of nonlinear thermodynamic mod-els which incorporate the contribution of electrostatic coupling and interfacial space charge in ferroelectric-paraelectric bilayers .

  3. 这些规则是基于抽取PCB的敷线和器件模型的所有寄生参数而建立的,寄生参数的抽取考虑到了瞬态行为,不同材料的高频特性,PCB不同导体和各导体对地间的静电耦合。

    These rules are based on the extraction of all parasitic parameters of the layout and device modeling , including transition behavior , high frequency characteristics of the different materials , and electrostatic couplings to printed circuit board ( PCB ) conductors and to the ground .

  4. 分析了同杆双回线潜供电流和恢复电压的电磁耦合分量、静电耦合分量,讨论了影响它们的主要因素。

    Because of the coupling of double-circuit lines , the values of the secondary arc current and recovery voltage on double-circuit lines are higher than that on the single-circuit lines .

  5. 一维MEMS微镜静电弹性耦合

    Coupling of electrostatic-elastic of 1D MEMS micro mirror systems

  6. 基于能量法的微驱动器静电弹性耦合分析

    Coupling of Electrostatic-Elastic of Micro Actuator Based on Rayleigh-Ritz Energy Method

  7. 静电场耦合微机电系统的动态模型

    Dynamic models of MEMS with electrostatic field coupling

  8. 三维微型梳齿的静电结构耦合特性研究

    Coupled Electrostatic-structural Analysis for a 3-D Micro-comb Structure

  9. 通过分析系统中存在的静电结构耦合关系,并进行离散化处理,建立了结构场和静电场的有限元耦合平衡方程。

    By virtue of analyzing the coupled relationship between the electrostatics and the structure , a set of equations for finite element method were obtained in residual form by discretization .

  10. 为了对微加速度计进行静电-机械耦合场分析,利用ANSYS软件及它的编程语言APDL实现了有限元耦合场分析。

    A finite element approach , so called coupled-field analysis , has been developed by ANSYS and APDL to solve the problem of electrostatic-mechanical analysis for micro-accelerometers .

  11. 加速松弛法及其在静电&力耦合问题仿真分析中的应用

    Accelerated relaxation algorithm for the simulation of coupled electrostatic-mechanical systems

  12. 叉指式微加速度计静电-机械耦合场分析

    Analysis of coupled electrostatic-mechanical field for interdigital micro-accelerometer

  13. 微机电系统中基于模态展开和边界元法的静电-结构耦合高效分析方法

    Efficient approach for coupled electrostatic and structural analysis of MEMS via boundary element method and modal expansion

  14. 为了分析叉指式微加速度计静电-机械耦合场,提出了一种近似分析方法。

    A approximate analysis method has been developed to solve the problem of coupled electrostatic-mechanical analysis for interdigital micro-accelerometer .

  15. 序贯耦合法是有限元耦合分析方法之一,适用于静电&结构耦合场。

    The sequential coupling analysis method is one of the FEM analysis method , which is suit of electrostatic-structural coupled-field analysis .

  16. 提出了基于内聚力模型的结构-静电场顺序耦合方法,分析了弹性粒子的破裂行为,揭示了破裂和聚合物芯球的弹性模量对接点电阻的影响机理。

    This paper presents a structure-electric field coupling method based on the cohesive model to analyze the crack behavior of the elastic particle .

  17. 解决这个问题的关键是掌握电子系统对静电放电的耦合机理和能量耦合关系。

    To master the coupling mechanism and the relationship of energy coupling between electronic system and ESD is the pivotal way to solve the problem .

  18. 为了提高微机电系统中静电-结构耦合数值计算速度,提出了一种新的针对微结构小变形的静电-结构耦合高效率数值计算方法。

    In order to improve the efficiency for coupled electromechanical analysis of MEMS system , a new efficient numerical approach for electrostatic MEMS with small deformations is presented .

  19. 采用耦合场分析工具和方法,对双轴微反射镜在正常工作条件下的静电和结构耦合场进行了分析,同时分析了光开关结构的吸合与释放电压。

    With the couple-field analysis tools , the electrostatic-structure couple-field analysis is carried out under normal working conditions and the pull-in voltage and release voltage are also analyzed .

  20. 基于机械刚度与静电刚度耦合原理,提出静电刚度与谐振原理相结合的理论分析方法,设计出了基于静电刚度变化的谐振式微加速度计表芯结构。

    The theoretical analyzing method of combining electrostatic stiffness and resonant theory is proposed and a resonant accelerometer structure based on the change of electrostatic stiffness is designed according to the coupling theory between mechanical stiffness and electrostatic stiffness .

  21. 同以往的常规算法相比,当微结构变形微小时,使用该方法,微结构变形后的面电荷密度可以在微结构未变形中计算,从而大大提高了静电-结构耦合数值计算效率。

    Comparing with previous methods , when the microstructures undergo small deformations , the surface charge densities on the deformed geometry can be computed without updating the geometry of the microstructures using the new approach , so the computational efficiency for coupled electromechanical analysis is improved effectively .

  22. 等效刚度的计算为分析静电MEMS的机电耦合特性提供了必备条件。

    The equivalent stiffness is necessary for the analysis of electromechanical coupling characteristics of electrostatic MEMS . ( 2 ) There is a strong relationship between the performance of electrostatic MEMS and its electromechanical coupling characteristics .

  23. 卫星静电放电传导干扰耦合的试验研究

    Research on the Test of Conducted Interference Coupling for Satellite Electrostatic Discharges

  24. 静电放电火花能量耦合特性研究

    Reasearch for the characteristic of energy coupling linked to the sparks of electrostatic discharge

  25. 静电梳齿驱动器静电-结构耦合的仿真分析

    Analysis and simulation of comb-drive electrostatic structure coupled field