
  • 网络static equilibrium equation
  1. 建立了5-UPS/PRPU冗余驱动并联机床的静力平衡方程,得出了其力雅可比矩阵。

    The static equilibrium equation of the Redundant Actuation PMT is established and the force transfer matrix is obtained .

  2. 将桩周土对桩的作用简化为Voigt体模型,建立了均质地基中考虑土体粘弹性的单桩静力平衡方程,成功地将时间因素与单桩的沉降联系起来。

    The interface between pile and soil was simulated by Voigt model , and the analytical relationship of settlement and time of single pile in homogeneous soil was obtained by the method of separating variables .

  3. 超静定结构的内力分析只凭静力平衡方程是不能完全确定的,还必须同时考虑变形条件。

    Deformation terms should also be considered .

  4. 通过建立机构的静力平衡方程,分析了切削加工载荷在各条驱动腿之间的分配情况。

    The distribution of cutting force between driving legs is analysised by establishing of static force equilibrium equations .

  5. 由于系统的非保守性,其匀速钻进状态也不能应用静力平衡方程。

    The equilibrium equations are not suitable to the constant velocity status because of non-conservatism of the system .

  6. 利用静力平衡方程、静电学基本方程,把力学和电学效应耦合在一起,建立力-电耦合的等效积分弱形式。

    Based on the elastic equilibrium and electrostatic equations , the weak forms of the coupling equations are derived .

  7. 通过对稳定性的静力平衡方程,进行有限元推导,屈曲分析可归纳为求解特征值的问题。

    Deducing stability problems with the finite element method , buckling analysis can be generalized as the problem of solving eigenvalue .

  8. 引入雅克比矩阵,建立了手指静力学模型,并通过力及力矩平衡关系建立了手指静力平衡方程。

    The Jacobian matrix introduced , then the finger static balance equation was established through the equilibrium relationship of force and moment .

  9. 本文推导了机器人的动态静力平衡方程,提出了计算机器人驱动力及运动副反力的一种方法。

    This paper derives force equilibrium equations of a robot and presents a method to calculate the driving forces and reactions in all the joints .

  10. 根据均质圆形隧洞围岩压力对称周期性变化以及衬砌结构微元体轴向力和弯矩的静力平衡方程,分析得到了衬砌内力的解析表达式。

    Based on the soil pressure surrounding the circle liner being cyclic and symmetric analytical solution is obtained by solving the equilibrium equation of axial force and moment .

  11. 提出了一种计算A形排架杆件轴力的通用公式,应用此公式可避免求解各结点的静力平衡方程组,直接计算任意杆件的轴力。

    This paper introduced a formula for calculating axial forces of A-shape aqueduct frames by which could directly calculate the axial forces of each joint without static force balance equations .

  12. 在已有的相关经验的指导下,将静力平衡方程发展为可应用的绞刀受力数学模型,并详细讨论了模型中相关参数对绞刀受力的影响。

    After that , the equations were developed by employing related experience into applicable mathematical model for calculating the cutter forces , and model parameters , which influence the forces dramatically , were discussed in detail .

  13. 讨论了地下水作用边坡稳定性分析的运动单元法基本原理与公式,推导了有孔隙水压力影响的单元静力平衡方程和单元边界水压力的计算式。

    In this paper , the principle and formulas to evaluate the stability of slopes with ground water are introduced , the equilibrium functions of element have been derived considering the influence of the pore pressure , and the formulas of water pressure on boundaries of element are also discussed .

  14. 利用切块法分别推导出了铸造区与轧制区变形过程静力平衡微分方程。

    In this paper , the static equilibrium differential equations of casting zone and rolling zone during deforming process are deduced respectively using slab method .

  15. 建立了机器人静力学力螺旋平衡方程,通过广义逆求得绳索拉力解空间,包括最小范数解和零空间解。

    The static wrench balance equations were founded . Through the generalized inverse method , the solution space of wire tension was got , which included smallest norm solution and null space solution .

  16. 静力平衡条件和Biot方程组成的边值方程可视为其特例。

    The governing equations which are composed of static equilibrium conditions and Biot 's equation can be regarded as a special case .

  17. 在确定了主动土压力和被动土压力的大小后,利用滑动体静力平衡的力矩平衡方程计算力的作用点在墙体的相对位置。

    The relative positions of the action point of earth pressure on the wall were calculated after having found the dimension of active earth pressure and passive earth pressure , using the moment equilibrium of the sliding mass .

  18. 对于三维杆系结构的静力分析,为了确定结构的位移和内力,先要建立传递分配矩阵和载荷源向量,这可通过列出所有节点的静力平衡方程和位移协调方程来实现。

    For the static analysis of 3D framed structures , the calculations of displacements and internal forces of static structures was first attributed to the determination of a carry-over and distribution matrix and a source vectors resulting from the equilibrium equations and compatibility conditions for displacements of each joint .