
jìng yìng lì
  • static stress;statical stress;steady stress
静应力[jìng yìng lì]
  1. 基于ANSYS的汽车轮毂单元静应力计算优化设计

    Static stress calculation and optimization design of automobile wheel hub unite based on ANSYS

  2. 应用CAE软件分析计算钻机井架静应力

    Analysis and calculation of static stress of rig derrick by CAE software

  3. 采用有限元法和非线性规划的序列二次规划(SQP)算法,解决了三维可静应力场的构造问题。

    A statically admissible stress field was constructed by using nonlinear optimization sequential quadratic programming ( SQP ) algorithm and FEM .

  4. 求得了该坝的非线性静应力以及当基岩地震加速度为0.2g时坝体内的动应力、加速度以及振动孔隙水压力及其随着时间的变化、振动孔隙水压力在坝内的分布规律。

    The following results were obtained : nonlinear static stresses and dynamic stresses , accelerations and pore-water pressures etc. , and their variations with time .

  5. 利用各向异性板中的SH波理论,推得了在静应力作用下与应力平行和垂直方向的SH波的频散方程,讨论了金属薄板中SH波波速与应力的关系。

    For the metal plate with initial stress , the two kinds of dispersion equation for SH wave parallel or vertical to stress direction are derived . Based on the equations , the relationship between SH wave velocity and stress of plate is discussed .

  6. 在Newmark隐式积分方法的基础上,提出了提高计算效率的改进方法,并指出非线性动力分析中,处理初始静应力场应注意的问题。

    Based on Newmark step-by-step implicit integration method , an improved method is put forward to improve calculation efficiency , and some questions are pointed out to which attention should be paid when initial static stress field is dealt with in dynamic nonlinear analysis .

  7. 百多年前,德国人Janssen曾提出一个连续介质模型来描述粮仓的静应力情况,得到广泛的认可,但其中用到的一些假设并没有确切的实验验证,至今仍是颗粒物理领域研究的范围。

    One hundred years ago , a model of continuous medium was put forward by a german Janssen , which was used for describing static stress changes of Silo and universally acknowledged , but some hypothesis was not tested by definite experiments .

  8. 分析了履带板有限元多工况静应力分布。

    The static stress distribution of FE multiple cases is analyzed .

  9. 静应力变化对南加州地震位置的影响

    Influence of static stress changes on earthquake locations in southern California

  10. 连杆静应力实机测量

    Measurement of Static Stress of Connecting Rod in A Diesel Engine

  11. 横列式轧机半开式牌坊静应力计算分析

    Static stress calculation analysis for semi-open housing of open-train mill

  12. 将有限元静应力分析结果导入MSC。

    The stress results after finite element analysis were led into MSC .

  13. 静应力下聚合物材料对温度变化的应变响应

    The strain response of the polymers by the temperature change under static stress

  14. 微机在汽车车身结构静应力分析实验中的应用

    Microcomputer Application in the Static Stress Analysis of Automobiles

  15. 利用电测方法,进行了最大载荷下的静应力测试和额定载荷下的动应力测试,并作了分析。

    Dynamic and static experiments were made by using stress-gauge , and analysis .

  16. 静态应力应变测量实验研究堆石体的静应力、位移分布;

    The static stress and displacement distribution of rockfill ;

  17. 两相合金中的水静应力对宏观流变行为和微观断裂机制的影响

    Effect of hydrostatic stresses on MACRO-FLOW behaviour and micro-fracture mechanism of two phase alloys

  18. 静应力场对隧道列车振动响应的影响分析

    Influence of static stress fields on vibration responses of a tunnel subjected to train loading

  19. 汽轮机叶片安装轮缘静应力遥测技术研究

    Telemetric Technique Study on Static Stress in the Installed Flange of Steam Turbine 's Vane

  20. 随后把计算得到的静应力状西安理工大学工程硕士学位论文态用于地震反应分析的初始应力场中。

    And the results of the static stress were applied on the analysis of seismic reaction .

  21. 岩体层理面对光面爆破效果影响的静应力分析

    A static stress analysis of the effect of stratification plane of rock masses on smooth blasting

  22. 文中还将静应力测试结果与理论值作了比较。

    The test result of static stress is also compared with the theoretical value in the paper .

  23. 静应力变化量小,低于一般认为的触发阈值(0.01MPa);

    The value of static stress change is smaller than the threshold one of triggering value ( 0.01 MPa );

  24. 证明了用静应力场分析动载下接触疲劳裂纹形成与扩展的可靠性;

    Static stress field can be reliably applied to analyse initiation and extension of contact fatigue cracks under motive load .

  25. 提出了主动轮和从动轮车轮强度计算的载荷工况和当量静应力及当量疲劳应力计算方法。

    The method for calculating the loading conditions , equivalent static and fatique stresses of drive and driven wheels is given .

  26. 粉煤灰路堤在饱水条件下的抗液化性能则与地震动峰值加速度、初始静应力水平等有密切关系。

    The capability resisting liquefaction of fly ash embankment under saturated condition is related to earthquake peak acceleration and initial static stress level etc. .

  27. 水泵水轮机活动导叶静应力评定探讨导弹水下动机座垂直发射过程的水动力计算

    Research of the Static Stress Assessment for the Wicket Gate of Pump Turbine The hydrodynamic computation on moving base vertical launching of underwater missile

  28. 但静应力变化量随距离缩减快,空间分布与地震破裂扩展方向无关。

    However , the changes on static stress attenuate quickly with distances and the spatial distribution has no relation with extension direction of earthquake rupture .

  29. 利用该数据处理软件对测试所得的数据进行了动、静应力分析和固有频率分析。

    It is applied to process the data which are acquired in the way of dynamic stress analysis , statistic stress analysis and proper frequency analysis .

  30. 目前,结构的静应力集中已有丰富的研究的成果,而动应力集中问题相对来说,研究的还不很充分。

    At present , the static stress concentrations of structures have been researched in detail . But the investigation of dynamic stress concentrations is not enough .