
  • 网络static data;data-at-rest;working-storage section
  1. 该工具将随后以Java™类的形式输出静态数据API。

    The tool then outputs static data APIs in Java ™ classes .

  2. 不同的数据模型将得到不同的静态数据API。

    A different data model results in different static data APIs .

  3. 静态数据API是基于输入数据模型生成的。

    Static data APIs are generated based on the input data model .

  4. 把GPS监测网的数据处理方法分为静态数据处理和动态数据处理两个环节。

    The GPS monitoring network data processing methods are classified into static data processing and dynamic data processing .

  5. 与XML模式中的静态数据类型不同,Python数据类型是动态的。

    Python data types are dynamic as opposed to the static data types in XML schema .

  6. 也就是说,静态数据API只是数据模型的另一个表示形式。

    In other words , a static data API is just another representation of the data model .

  7. 在Web的早期,Web服务器使用HTML以及位于给定Web服务器的本地图形文件交付静态数据。

    In the early days of the Web , Web servers delivered static data from HTML and graphics files that were local to a given Web server .

  8. 静态数据远远不能满足Web开发的需要,利用数据库技术存储管理动态数据已成为主流。

    Static database can not meet the requirement of web development . The dynamic database which is based on the dynamic memory and management technologies has become the preferred choice .

  9. 为了处理静态数据类型,我们为wsdlportType创建了对应的Java接口。

    To deal with static data types , we create the corresponding Java interfaces for the wsdl portType .

  10. 如果数据将在UI中显示的值提前知道,那么这样的数据就称为静态数据。

    If data that will be displayed on the UI is known in advance , it can be called static data .

  11. 考虑到有些场合没有无线网络的信号时,可以通过可移动USB介质导入一些静态数据到系统中;

    The function of the USB module is to input some data from a USB mobile media where the signal of WLAN is not received .

  12. 随着信息技术以及Web技术的飞速发展,数据不再是存储于可多次随机访问的介质中的静态数据,而是称之为数据流的动态流式数据。

    With the rapid development of information technology and Web technology , data are no longer static data stored in the media which can be visited several times , but the flow-type data called data stream .

  13. 本文将向您展示如何使用来自ESQL或MessageBrokerMapping节点的Java例程来维护和访问全局缓存中的静态数据。

    This article shows you how to maintain and access static data in a global cache using Java routines from ESQL or Message Broker Mapping nodes .

  14. 本文论述了如何将OMT规范中的静态数据模型表示成BAMN中的MACHINE结构。

    This paper presents the approach to translate the static data models in OMT specification into the MACHINE structure in B AMN .

  15. 分别通过对静态数据和星载数据进行仿真计算分析,提出了利用运用观测值的组合二次差分与电离层残差法联合进行星载GPS载波相位周跳探测及修复的方法;

    According to the imitation computation and analysis , bring forward using the double difference of the observation value and the ionosphere remnant way to detect and repair the cycle slip .

  16. 但我们的Web服务器Mongrel并不能很好地服务静态数据,因此我们使用Apache来服务图像内容。

    But Mongrel , our Web server , does not serve static data particularly well , so we use Apache to serve image content .

  17. 尽管这里将报告定义为静态数据,但很容易将其想象为使用Ajax通过网络动态下载。

    While you defined the report as static data here , it is easy to imagine this being dynamically downloaded over the network using Ajax .

  18. 多数应用程序中都会结合一些静态数据和用户处理的表单中的数据来构造该URL。

    In most applications , you 'll construct this URL from some set of static data combined with data from the form your users work with .

  19. LDAP目录是应用最广泛的企业解决方案,用于存储被频繁引用但很少修改的静态数据。

    The LDAP directory is the most widely used enterprise solution to store static data that is referred very regularly but changed only occasionally .

  20. 在大部分系统中,malloc和free都不是可重入的,因为它们使用静态数据结构来记录哪些内存块是空闲的。

    On most systems , malloc and free are not reentrant , because they use a static data structure that records which memory blocks are free .

  21. 这些静态数据的处理是基于这些学习方法从人类的学习方法抽象成Agent的学习方法的这样一个事实,但是它却忽略了人类的遗忘因子,人类学习之后很可能会忘记学过的知识。

    The reason of this static treatment of data is due to the fact that these learning methods abstracted the agent learning from human learning and left behind the forgetting factor that affects the acquired knowledge after learning .

  22. SQLite不支持静态数据类型,而是使用列关系。

    SQLite does not support static data typing and , instead , uses column affinity .

  23. 大多数的产品都已经集成了LDAP,以便存储静态数据、元数据、或者不会频繁更改但是需要经常引用的信息。

    Most of the products have already integrated with LDAP to store static data , metadata , or the less frequently changing but highly referred information .

  24. 此策略的工作方式是这样的:可以通过ESB使某些数据(静态数据或变化不频繁的数据)变为持久性数据或可缓存数据。

    The strategy works like this : You can make certain data , either static or that which changes infrequently , persistent or cacheable through the ESB .

  25. cDNA微阵列和寡核苷酸芯片等高通量检测技术的成熟应用,产生了大量的基因表达数据,其中包括静态数据和时序数据。

    The mature application of high-throughput detection technology , such as cDNA microarray and oligonucleotide microarray , produced a large amount of gene expression data , including static data and time series data .

  26. 该专属服务器是必需的,这是因为Hadoop使用HDFS来存储你工作所需的JAR依赖项、静态数据以及其他必需的信息。

    This dedicated server is required because Hadoop uses HDFS to store JAR dependencies for your job , static data , and other required information .

  27. RSA模型是基于UML2标准的,这种模型不仅可以建模一个系统的静态数据模型,而且还可以对行为进行建模。

    RSA models are based on the UML2 standard , which models not only a system 's static data model but also behavioral constructs .

  28. 如果您有一些静态数据想提供给jsp页面使用,并且那些数据不会频繁地改动,初始化参数可能会是一个比较好的选择。

    If you have some static data that you want to make available to your JSP page and that data does not change frequently , initialization parameters may do the trick .

  29. 在init函数(在文档主体加载时调用)中,您定义静态数据(报告数据)并将其传递到graph函数。

    In the init function , called when the body of the document is loaded , you define static data ( the report data ) and pass it to the graph function .

  30. 或者,您可以将静态数据加载到执行组的JVM堆中,这样,一个执行组中部署的多个流就可以共享这些数据。

    Alternately , you can load static data into an execution group 's JVM heap , so that the data can be shared by multiple flows deployed in an execution group .