
  • 网络navigation support
  1. 推进科技创新提升航海保障能力

    Enhancing the navigation supporting capability through technical innovation

  2. 最后,基于电子海图显示与信息系统这一集成自动化导航信息平台,开发了潜用战斗航海保障系统软件。

    In the end , by the support of ECDIS , we design and realize the Safeguarding System for Submarine Campaign .

  3. 舰船综合导航系统是实施舰船海上航行、避碰、自动驾驶以及航海保障和武器系统有效使用的重要系统。

    The integrated ship navigation system is an important system that is employed to navigate shipping , avoid colliding , automate steering , guarantee navigating at sea and weapon system using in effect .

  4. 我国的海事执法队伍,全面承担着履行国家水上安全监督、防止船舶污染、船舶设施检验及航海保障管理的职能,因此加强海事职能部门建设尤为重要。

    Our country 's maritime affair law enforcement troop , Comprehensively undertakes the fulfillment country aquatic safety surveillance , is preventing the ships pollution , the ships facility examination and the navigation safeguard management function , therefore the enhancement maritime affair functional departments constructs especially importantly .

  5. 无线气象传真和NAVTEX是航海安全保障的重要手段,随着航海事业的蓬勃发展,越来越受到各国的重视。

    Facsimile and NAVTEX are important means to make ocean navigation safe and reliable , which got more and more attention of every country , with the rapid development of maritime industry .

  6. 科学技术对发展航海卫生保障的重要作用

    The important role of science in the development of nautical hygiene

  7. 其中航海作业系统是保障海上航行安全与提高船舶自动化的重要方面。

    Especially maritime operations system plays an important role in navigation safety and ship automation .

  8. 她有着泰坦尼克号的奢侈华丽,却以21世纪最先进的科技为后盾,拥有领先的航海技术和安全保障系统,帕尔默在一次声明中如是说。

    It will be every bit as luxurious as the original Titanic , but * will have state-of-the-art 21st-century technology and the latest navigation and safety systems , Palmer said in a statement .

  9. 为了更好的向潜艇指挥人员提供作战相关的技术支持和保障,本论文根据我国海军航海保证部门的要求,针对现代条件下潜艇作战的特点,对潜用战斗航海保障系统展开了深入的研究。

    For the sake of better technique support and guarantee for submarine campaign , this thesis according to the request of navigation guarantee department of our navy , and aim at the characteristics of submarine campaign under modern condition , make the in-depth research about Safeguarding System for Submarine Campaign .