
  1. 运载火箭作为重要的航天运输工具,是航天科学技术运用的综合体现。

    As a important aerospace conveyance , launch vehicles is the comprehensive reflection to the aerospace science and technology application .

  2. 它还具备将老旧的废弃的卫星从有用的轨道送到所谓的“墓地轨道”中去,以防止它们阻碍其他的航天运输工具。

    It also has the capability to move old , scrapped satellites out of useful orbit and into so-called ' cemetery orbits ' toprevent them from hindering other space-faring vehicles .

  3. 作为优质的轻质结构材料,镁合金密度低、比强度高,在航空航天、运输工具、电子器材等方面得到了广泛运用。

    As excellent light-weight structural materials , Mg alloys have been widely applied in the aerospace , transports and electronics mainly due to their low densities and highest strength-to-weight ratio .

  4. 无刷直流电动机由于具有直流电动机和交流电动机的优点,所以得到了广泛的应用,如:运动控制、工业应用、消费品、航天航空和交通运输工具。

    Brushless DC ( BLDC ) motors gaining popular and wide application with virtue from DC motor and AC motor , such as motion control applications , industrial application , consumer appliance , aerospace and automotive applications .