
  1. 由于USB技术较新,及其众多优点背后的协议及设计应用的复杂性,所以当前还未出现基于USB技术的航海雷达模拟器。

    With the reason that the technology USB is new and the complication of the protocol , there is no radar simulators based on USB technology .

  2. MRNS-9000型航海雷达模拟器船型编辑功能的开发

    Developing the Editor Function of the MRNS-9000 Digital Marine Radar and Navigation Aid Simulator

  3. 采用真雷达显示器的航海雷达模拟器的关键技术

    Key Technologies of Navigation Radar Simulator Using Real Radar Monitor

  4. 对航海雷达模拟器应用的探讨

    Study on Application of Navigation Radar Simulator to Training

  5. 而操作、解释和分析雷达获得的信息的能力的培训必须通过航海雷达模拟器。

    And the ability of manipulation , interpretation and analysis is based on the excise of radar simulators .

  6. 航海雷达模拟器问世以来,一直在航海教育和培训中发挥重要的作用。

    Marine radar simulator has been playing an important role in maritime education and training after it came into being .

  7. 在航海雷达模拟器系统中,雷达接口的设计直接影响到整个系统的性能。雷达接口的设计包括接口电路的设计和接口印刷板的设计两方面。

    In navigational radar simulator system , radar interface design , which includes interface circuit and electronic print , affects its performance directly .

  8. 相比于真实雷达,航海雷达模拟器具有经济、灵活、可重复、可继承等优点。

    Compared to the real radar , marine radar simulator is more economic and flexible , with the advantages of replication and inheritance .

  9. 本文的主要研究内容包括以下几个方面:1.通过分析航海雷达模拟器评估现状,提出现行评估中存在的问题,提出课题研究的必要性。

    The main contents of this paper include the following items : 1 . The existing condition of the evaluation is analyzed and the problems are discussed . 2 .

  10. 航海雷达模拟器利用计算机仿真技术,模拟在能见度不良的情况下船舶的操纵和避碰,使学员应对复杂海况,做出正确的判断。

    Radar simulator simulates the shipping navigating and collision avoidance under bad visibility by making use of computer emulation technic , in this way students can learn how to make correct decision in complex marine circumstance .

  11. 本课题便是在这一背景下提出的,在对大连海事大学航海雷达模拟器图像绘制相关理论进行研究与分析的基础上,改进图像绘制方法,以获得更好的图像仿真效果。

    Based on a systematic analysis of the related knowledge on image rendering from Dalian Maritime University marine radar simulator , the thesis improves the method of image rendering in order to obtain the better result of image simulation .