
  • 网络vibration detection;vibration monitor
  1. HMM在钢水连铸下渣振动检测方法中的应用

    Application of HMM theory in vibration detection method of slag in continuous casting

  2. 本设计给出大容量闪存卡CF及文件系统在采煤机振动检测中的应用。

    The application of the high-capacity CF card and the file system in the vibration detection of shearer is introduced .

  3. 基于ARM核引擎振动检测系统的设计

    To Design the System of Measuring Engine Vibration based on ARM Kernel

  4. 基于WINDOWSCE的手持式振动检测仪软件开发

    The SoftWare Development of a Portable Vibration-Detecting Instrument Based on Windows CE

  5. CCD桥梁振动检测系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Bridge Vibration Measurement System of CCD

  6. 基于VI的纺纱机罗拉振动检测诊断系统的开发

    Development of a fault diagnosis system for roller 's vibration test of spinning frame

  7. 基于光纤brag光栅的叶轮机振动检测及压力检测

    Turbine Vibration Measuring Method and Pressure Measuring Method Based on the FBG Sensor

  8. 通过工程实践表明,利用CCD进行图像采集,使用支持即插即用的USB作为数据通讯端口的桥梁振动检测仪是切实可行的。

    It is proved that the portable bridge vibration measurement system of CCD , which completes the image collection based on USB interface , is available .

  9. 着重介绍了振动检测单元的硬件实现,基于有限脉冲响应(FIR)数字滤波与快速傅里叶变换(FFT)的实时数据处理过程,以及基于用户数据报协议(UDP)的数据传输过程。

    The paper mainly introduces the hardware implement of inspection unit for vibration , real-time data process on FIR and FFT , and data transmitting process on UDP .

  10. 借用国内SANTANA轿车参数,仿真再现了轿车悬架振动检测过程。

    And measurement process of car suspension characteristic on the tester was simulated by use of parameters of SANTANA car .

  11. 设计并实现了基于嵌入式系统和GPRS无线数据网络的分布式噪声与振动检测系统,描述了系统体系结构、硬件框图和软件系统架构。

    A scheme to implement a sound and vibration detecting system based on embedded system and GPRS network is presented . The high-level system architecture is put forward and the design of hardware and software workflow is given .

  12. 介绍了针对井下采煤机工作现场振动检测而开发的基于ARM7嵌入式微机的检测仪器。

    The paper introduces a kind of inspecting instrument with embedded microcomputer based on ARM7 , which is developed aiming at spot inspection to vibration occurs from silo shearer .

  13. 因此本课题基于这种发展需求设计了一种基于光纤布拉格光栅(FiberBraggGrating,FBG)的技术的非接触式位移传感器,采用弹性膜片和磁耦合技术通过改变光纤光栅的轴向应变实现振动检测。

    Therefore , based on such development needs a non-contact fiber Bragg grating ( FBG ) based vibration detection sensor is designed , which the magnetic coupling technology and elastic diaphragm are adopted to achieve the vibration detection by changing the axial strain of optical fiber grating .

  14. 实验表明基于隧道效应的振动检测系统具有很高的灵敏度,良好的频率特性和与STM一致的振动响应特性,可以为STM提供振动补偿,提高此类仪器的测量精度。

    Because the measuring vibration device based on tunneling effect has high sensitivity , good frequency characteristic and the same vibration response characteristic consistent with STM , it can supply the vibration compensation for STM and improve STM measuring precision .

  15. 用设计的纳米级振动检测装置进行了振动检测实验,试验表明具有很高的灵敏度、良好的频率特性和与STM一致的振动响应特性。

    A series of experiments have been carried out on the vibration-testing device , and the results indicate that the model is characterized with high sensitivity , good frequency response characteristics and has achieved favorable consistency with STM in frequency response .

  16. 高频机组基础振动检测分析

    Analysis of monitoring of vibration of foundation of high-frequency dynamic machines

  17. 振动检测系统在港口叉车故障诊断中的应用

    Application of Vibration Measurement System to Failure Diagnostics of Seaport Forklifts

  18. 结构损伤振动检测策略分析与应用研究

    Research Strategy and Application of Vibration-Based Non Destructive Structural Damage Detection

  19. 光纤传感振动检测系统及其实验研究

    The Fiber Optic Sensor Vibration Measuring System and Its Experimental Study

  20. 基于CAN总线的智能振动检测仪的研究与设计

    Design and Research of Intelligent Vibration Detector Based on CAN Bus

  21. 振动检测在高温离心泵安装中的应用

    Application of Vibration Detection in Installation of High Temperature Centrifugal Pump

  22. 基于振动检测的旋转机械现场平衡研究

    Research about locale balance of revolving machine base on vibration check

  23. 振动检测用于结构振动问题的分析十分有效。

    Vibration detection for structural vibration analysis is very effective .

  24. 潜油电泵机组振动检测与故障诊断系统

    Vibration detection and fault diagnosis system of electric submersible pump

  25. 数字式振动检测系统的设计与研究

    The Design and Study of the Digital Vibration Detecting System

  26. 轻型墩桥梁横向振动检测与加固研究

    Test of Lateral Vibration of Light Pier Bridge and Study of Reinforcement

  27. 敲击振动检测鸡蛋裂纹的初步研究

    Preliminary research of chicken egg crack detection based on acoustic resonance analysis

  28. 轿车悬架振动检测台动力学建模与仿真

    Modeling and Simulating of Vibration Measured Tester of Car Suspension

  29. 原子力显微镜微探针与光束偏转法在纳米振动检测中的应用

    Application of AFM and BEAM-DEFLEXION method in the measurement of nanometer vibration

  30. 高层框架楼拆除爆破振动检测与分析

    Measurement & Study of blasting vibration in demolition of high frame building