
  • 网络oscillation index
  1. 对100hPa南亚高压的振荡指数及500hPa西太平洋副高的强度指数、西进指数进行了谱分析,着重考察了5天到一个月的振荡周期。

    In this paper , spectral analyses of both the oscillation index of the South Asia High ( SAH ) in 100 hPa and the index of extending westward of the West Pacific Subtropical High ( WPSH ) in 500 hPa have firstly been done .

  2. 文章用综合振荡指数描述信号振荡程度,试图揭示信号波形与消噪效果的关系。

    For opening out the relation between signal waveform and de-noising effect , this text use integrated surging exponent .

  3. 用综合振荡指数功述信号振荡程度,用均方相对误差描述消噪效果,试图揭示信号波形与消噪效果的关系。

    This article describe the Breadth of Signal Surge ( BSS ) with Surging Synthetic Index ( SSI ), the denoising effect with Relative Square Error ( RSE ), in effort to state the relationships between signal waveform and denoising effect .

  4. 大气环流的不连续振荡和指数循环

    Discontinuous oscillation in the atmospheric circulation and index cycle

  5. 交易者认为,安倍辞职的消息反映了整个事件的复杂性,当天下午的股票交易大幅振荡,日经指数在同一交易日出现最高点和最低点。

    The afternoon 's see-saw trade , which saw the Nikkei touch both its high and low for the day as the news about Abe emerged , reflected the mixed nature of the event , traders said .