
  • 网络Sodium polyphosphate;sodium hexametaphosphate
  1. 从外果皮中提取果胶,加水量为原料重量的4倍,75℃下,添加原料重量0.7%的多聚磷酸钠,果胶得率可达2.98%。

    The most suitable condition of extracting pectin from skin was : Added four times water and 0.7 % sodium polyphosphate as much as the raw material weight , at 75 ℃ . The yeild of pectin was reached to 2.98 % .

  2. 可注射多聚磷酸钠/壳聚糖多孔微载体制备研究

    Fabrication of Sodium Hexametaphosphate / Chitosan Porosity Microcarrier

  3. 用~(31)P核磁共振研究鸡腿肉中4种多聚磷酸钠的水解

    Study on hydrolysis of polyphosphates added in chicken thigh meat by ~ ( 31 ) P NMR

  4. 结论:含有多聚磷酸钠的佳洁士皓爽白牙膏在提高釉质表面润湿性方面优于一般防蛀牙膏,能明显提高刷牙者牙齿滑爽的程度。

    CONCLUTION : Toothpastes containing polyphosphate can increase wetting of enamel surface , which can improve consumer 's tooth-brushing experience .

  5. 在复配试验中通过对样品质构分析最后选定2.5%多聚磷酸钠与0.5%柠檬酸钠复合使用较佳。

    Finally , the complex emulsifying salts were chosen : 2.5 % pentasodium tripolyphosphate and0.5 % sodium citrate by analysis of texture of sample .