
  • 网络Color, fragrance;Erotic Nights
  1. 伊丽莎白·戴维对普罗旺斯菜肴的色香味津津乐道。

    Elizabeth David enthuses about the taste , fragrance and character of Provencal cuisine

  2. 尤其是炒蟹粉(stir-friedcrabmeat),俨然是餐饮艺术的杰作:它由土豆泥、胡萝卜以及蛋清加入姜丝爆炒而成,色香味俱浓。

    The crabmeat in particular is a wonder of culinary artifice : a rich tumble of mashed potato , carrot and egg white with ginger .

  3. 但是UHT乳在贮藏中容易出现一些质量问题,常见的有:脂肪上浮、形成沉淀和凝胶、乳清析出、酸包和胀包及色香味的改变等。

    During storage , it usually occurs some defects such as : fat floating , protein sedimented and coagulation , whey seperated , sour and bulged package , and colour-taste-flavor changed .

  4. 在发酵过程中,采用带皮渣发酵4d,然后分离皮渣继续发酵的方式,并且采取15℃的低温发酵工艺,使酒的色香味保持较好的状态,风格突出。

    During the fermentation , pressed juice with peel was fermented at low temperature ( 15 ℃) for 4 days , then filtered juice and continued to be fermented at the same temperature . The wine produced by above technology has perfect color , flavor and taste in special style .

  5. 悬钩子是一种营养丰富、色香味俱佳的加工原料。

    Raspberry is a nourishing material with good color and sweet smell .

  6. 多种功能选择,确保食物色香味俱全。

    Various functional selection , ensure the foods delicious .

  7. 中国菜以其色香味享誉世界。

    Chinese food is world famous for its color , smell and taste .

  8. 主菜的牛柳配上土豆则是色香味俱佳,肉质鲜嫩,肉汁入味。

    The beef fillet was fresh and tender and the gravy tasted rather delicious .

  9. 中国菜肴以色香味俱全而著称。

    Chinese cuisines are famous for their excellence in color , aroma and taste .

  10. 色香味品红酒

    Taste color , fragrance of red wine

  11. 最后通过高温瞬间杀菌,保持了竹燕窝的色香味。

    Finally , through high temperature sterilizing , we have kept the birds nest flavor .

  12. 金秋十月,雅箸餐厅为您带来色香味俱全的全新自助餐。

    In Azur , our chef will bring in " color " to the Azur Buffet .

  13. 品味美食的色香味是人生一大享受。

    The feel , smell and satisfaction of food are one of the mainpleasures of life .

  14. 也正因为每道菜的迅速更换,色香味全,让人垂涎欲滴,

    and because each course was served promptly ... presented with flair ... and was positively mouth-watering ,

  15. 诗描写了羹的色香味形,诗题道出了烹制的主要材料是山芋。

    The poem describes the soup flavor profile , inscribed the cooking is the main material of potato .

  16. 宣威火腿及其微生物作用菌群的研究&Ⅱ.宣威火腿的营养成分及色香味

    The Studies of Xuanwei Hams and Functional Microflora & ⅱ . Nutrient Component and Colour-Savoury-Taste for Xuanwei Hams

  17. 湖南凤凰人在饮食方面十分讲究精粹,注重色香味全。

    The delicacies of Phoenix in Hunan are fastidious about color , flavor , and taste as a whole .

  18. 对于你这种过分讲究的食客而言,一定会一直选择那些色香味俱全的健康食物了。

    A finicky eater , you 'll insist upon eating well-balanced , healthy meals that won 't pollute your body .

  19. 干酪慢慢地融化在汤里,使肉汤色香味俱全。

    The cheese will slowly melt into the soup , adding a nice flavor and some body to the broth .

  20. 重庆著名的是那色香味俱佳的火锅,比火锅更著名的则是山城妹子。

    Chongqing is famous for its hotpot excellent in color , smell and taste , but more famous for its girls .

  21. 四川凉糍粑色香味俱佳,糯软醇甜,入口凉爽,沁人心脾。

    Sichuan cold Ciba color , aroma and taste , soft waxy alcohol and sweet , the cool entrance , refreshing .

  22. 最好的阿尔萨斯产区的葡萄酒,色香味平衡。

    Riesling gives dry , neat , graceful and well-balanced wine , and is known to be the finest Alsace wine .

  23. 提高无铅皮蛋色香味的试验研究

    An experimental research on the improvement of the cot ( color , odor and taste ) of the non lead sunghua pidan

  24. 涵特表示在太空中需要重视食物的多样化以及色香味,这个和在地球上是一样的,甚至是更加的重要。

    Hunter says the variety , appearance and taste of food in space is as important as it is on earth-maybe even more important .

  25. 关于有机食品的争论也非常激烈,是否比传统产品具有较少的化学污染,是否更益于健康或更加色香味美。

    Debate has raged as to whether organic food , which is produced with fewer chemicals , is any healthier or tastier than conventional produce .

  26. 并介绍了茶饮料生产中解决混浊或沉淀的技术及色香味的保持技术。

    The techniques of resolving turbidity or sediment and preventing color , aroma , taste of tea drinks from deterioration are also introduced and discussed .

  27. 完熟后会慢慢变老,生理代谢减弱,其色香味,质地,形态以及营养方面都会有所改变。

    After the mature will gradually become the old and physiological metabolism is abate , the color , texture and shape and nutrition will change .

  28. 对于某些干燥要求不仅是去除农业物料中的水分保留它的营养成分,更重要的还要求保持物料原有的色香味。

    Requirement for some drying is not only remove the water and reserve nutrient parts , more important is to keep the original color materials .

  29. 它不仅能有效地解决玉米食品质量低的问题,并且保留了玉米食品原有的色香味。

    This method not only solves the problem of poor quality of maize food , but also retain the original color , savory and taste of maize .

  30. 液体茶饮料的提取技术影响着产品的色香味和澄清度,而产品在常温下保存易产生浑浊沉淀,影响其商品价值。

    Tea beverage extracting technology will impact the quality of the product and the tea beverage will easily produce precipitate , which will impact its commercial value .