
  • 网络Purple grit mud;arenaceous clay
  1. 他也跨界设计造型极其简朴的紫砂茶具(它的制作原料紫砂泥只有江苏出产),以及灵感源自中国街边普通板凳的家具,并与荷兰家居品牌Moooi合作生产这些家具。

    He is also a designer of products such as starkly minimalist tea sets made from zisha clay , found only in China 's Jiangsu province , and furniture inspired by the country 's humble street stools , made in collaboration with Dutch brand Moooi .

  2. 紫砂壶又名“宜兴壶”,它是用江苏宜兴特有的紫砂泥烧制而成的一种茶具。

    Zisha teapots , also known as " Yixing teapots , " are made of purple clay specially produced in Yixing of Jiangsu Province .