
dà huà shí
  • macrofossil
大化石[dà huà shí]
  1. 巨体化石不用显微镜就能观察的大化石。

    A fossil large enough to be examined without a microscope .

  2. 关于维管植物大化石保存方式术语的商榷

    Terminology of the Modes of Preservation of Vascular Plant Megafossils : A Discussion

  3. 孢子花粉与植物大化石:地质记录的差异及其古植物学意义

    Spores and pollen vs plant megafossils : discrepancy of geological records and their palaeobotanical significance

  4. 湖南传统的石炭系上、下统界线,以大化石为依据划在梓门桥组之顶。

    The traditional boundary in Hunan is drawn at the top ofthe Zimenqiao Formation on the basis of large fossils .

  5. 随着传统的三大化石能源日渐枯竭,绿色能源的开发和利用将会得到空前发展。

    With growing depletion of the three traditional fossil energy , the utilization of the green energy including solar energy will get unprecedented development .

  6. 由石油勘探引起的划带重点化石已经显然由大化石转移到微体化石。

    The shift in emphasis from the use of macrofossils to microfossils for zonation , caused by oil exploration , has already been noted .

  7. 分子生物方法同大化石和孢粉证据结合可能较单一的方法更能全面的反映种或基因的系统进化过程和历史。

    The molecular evidence together with both pollen and fossil data for determination of genetic change after population immigration could reveal more clear facts than the single technique .

  8. 早志留世轻变质碎屑岩地层时代的确定主要依据三叶虫、头足类和珊瑚等大化石,一直没有微体化石方面的证据。

    The determination of the stratigraphic age of the Lower Silurian low-grade metamorphic clastic rocks was mainly based on trilobites , corals and cephalopods , but no evidence of microfossils has been found .

  9. 她回顾了四条证据:含有精神活性植物的大化石,发酵的酒精饮料残留物,文物和遗骨的活性生物碱(化合物)以及精神活性植物和饮用场景的艺术描写。

    She reviewed four lines of evidence : macrofossil remains of psychoactive plants , residues from fermented alcoholicdrinks , psychoactive alkaloids ( chemical compounds ) on artifacts and skeletalremains , and artistic depictions of psychoactive plants and drinking scenes .

  10. 煤炭、石油和天然气三大化石能源正逐步消耗,能源危机将成为世界各国共同面临的严峻课题,于是各国都积极寻找和开发各种新能源。

    The three fossil ( energy coal , oil and natural gas ) is gradually consumed . The energy crisis will become a severe issue the world will face . As a result , many countries are actively looking for the new energy .

  11. 禄丰大猿化石分类的修订

    A revision of the classification of the Lufeng great apes

  12. 湖北咸宁飞仙洞新发现的大熊猫化石

    The fossils of Ailuropoda found in Feixian cave , xianning , Hubei

  13. 中国中、新生代大植物化石新属记录(1991&2000)

    Record of mesozoic cenozoic megafossil plant generic names founded on Chinese specimens ( 1991 2000 )

  14. 从出土的大熊猫化石看,大熊猫最早产生于地质时代第三纪的上新世后期。

    According to the unearthed fossils , the giant panda appeared primarily in the later stage of Pliocene Epoch in the Tertiary Period .

  15. 也就是说,在非洲没有发现大猿化石,并不表示非洲没有原始大猿。

    To wit , just because we have not found fossil great apes in Africa does not mean that they are not there .

  16. 随着人类对能源的需求越来越大和化石燃料的日益减少,寻找能可持续利用的新能源成为一项关键任务。

    With the more demand for energy and the less fossil fuel it becomes , finding a new energy that can be used persistently is to be the key mission for us today .

  17. 天然气是一种以轻烃为主的混合物,由于缺少大分子指纹化石,许多重要的成因信息难以单纯依靠组分获得。

    Nature gas is a kind of mixture in which light hydrocarbons are dominant , it is very difficult to acquire some important origin information because macromolecule fingerprint fossil is absent .

  18. 各市(区)生态不安全的主要原因是农用地需求过大,而化石能源用地、牧草地和水域供给不足。

    The reasons of ecological insecurity is that the demand of arable land is over large , but the supply of fossil energy land , pasture and water areas is not enough .

  19. 随着经济的发展和大规模建筑活动的实施,人类对能源的需求也越来越大,致使化石能源的可使用量日趋减少,太阳能作为新兴的、无污染的可再生能源受到了广泛的关注。

    Along with economic development and the implementation of large-scale construction activities , human energy demand is also growing , resulting in the use of fossil energy resources can reduce the increasing volume , solar energy as a new , clean and renewable energy sources were widespread concern .

  20. 但是在未来,可再生能源必将在更大程度上取代化石燃料,这样才可能避免那些我们不能接受的气候风险。

    But   renewable   energy   will   have   to   displace   fossil   fuels   to   a   much   greater   extent   in   thefuture   to   avoid   unacceptable   climate   risks .

  21. 清洁的可再生能源太阳能大有取代传统化石能源的趋势。

    Clear and recyclable solar energy has become a trend to replace traditional fossil fuel energy .

  22. 随着社会经济的发展,对能源的需求越来越大,传统的化石能源面临枯竭的危机,并且在消耗过程中给环境带来了严重的污染。

    With the development of society economy , energy need is becoming more and more , traditional fossil energy is facing depletion crisis and causes serious pollution when consumed .