
  • 网络oxide semiconductor
  1. 随着第三代半导体材料的发展,宽带隙氧化物半导体材料成为人们关注的焦点和热点。

    With the development of the third semiconductors , there has been increasing interest in the research of wide band gap oxide semiconductor .

  2. ZnO是一种金属氧化物半导体材料,由于物理化学性能稳定等优点而被广泛研究。

    As a metal oxide semiconductor sensing material , zinc oxide has been under extensive research due to its high physical and chemical stability .

  3. 纳米TiO2具有优异的光学、电学及化学性能,是一种重要的直接带隙、宽禁带氧化物半导体材料。

    Nanocrystalline TiO2 is an important oxide semiconductor material with direct and wide bandgap , excellent optical , electrical and chemical properties .

  4. ZnO是一种新型的Ⅱ-Ⅵ族直接宽带隙氧化物半导体材料,具有大的载流子浓度和光学禁带宽度,在太阳能电池、平板显示器的透明电极等领域被广泛的应用。

    At present , ZnO , new-style II-VI direct oxide semiconductor thin film with wideband gap energy and high carrier concentration , is widely applied in solar cell , transparent electrodes of flat panel display and some other areas .

  5. ZAO薄膜是一种n型氧化物半导体材料,由于其大的载流子浓度和光学禁带宽度而表现出优良的光电特性。

    Al-doped ZnO thin film is a n-type oxide semiconductor material with outstanding electrical and optical properties such as low resistance , high transmittance in the visible range due to both high carrier concentration and large optical band gap .

  6. 氧化亚铜作为一种重要的金属氧化物半导体材料,其禁带宽度为2.17eV,可以很好地吸收可见光,使得它在光电化学分解水领域具有极其重要的研究价值。

    Cuprous oxide is of extremely important research value in the photoelectric chemical decomposition of water as metal-oxide semiconductor material with a proper band gap ( 2.17eV ) for absorption of visible light .

  7. YFeO3复合氧化物半导体材料的制备、掺杂和气敏性能研究

    The Preparation , Doping and Gas Sensing Properties of YFeO_3

  8. 二氧化钛是作为一种氧化物半导体材料,有着很广泛的实际应用价值。

    Titanium dioxide as an oxide semiconductor material , has a very wide range of practical value .

  9. 纳米氧化锌颗粒是重要的氧化物半导体材料,具有广泛的应用范围。

    ZnO nanoparticle is an important oxide semiconductor material , which is of potential applications in many areas .

  10. 氧化物半导体材料在铁电、压电、传感器、太阳能电池等领域有重要的应用,所有这些应用均与其光电性质密切相关。

    Oxide semiconductors have many important applications in the field of ferroelectric , piezoelectric , sensors , solar cells , etc , which are closely related to the optoelectronic properties of materials .

  11. 宽禁带氧化物半导体材料由于具有优异的光学和电学性质,因而在发光二极管、激光器、薄膜太阳能电池、透明薄膜晶体管、紫外探测器等领域有着广泛的应用前景。

    The wide band gap oxide semiconductors have potential applications in light-emitting diodes , laser diodes , thin-film solar cells , transparent thin-film transistors and ultraviolet ( UV ) detectors due to their excellent optical and electrical properties .

  12. 氧化物半导体材料、Ⅲ-Ⅴ族化合物半导体材料以其独特的物理、化学性质已经被广泛应用于微电子、环境保护、航空航天等领域,已经成为当今材料领域研究的热点。

    The advanced semiconductor material have been widely used in the areas of micro-electronics , environment protection and aeronautics / astronautics and are becoming the hot area of material research , owning to their unique physical and chemistry properties .

  13. 第1章为绪论部分,针对功能金属氧化物半导体材料的光催化和稀磁特性,介绍了金属氧化物半导体材料的制备方法、研究进展及微区分析技术,同时展望了其应用前景。

    In this chapter , the photocatalytic properties and diluted magnetic specialities of functional metal-oxide semiconductor materials are summarized . Meanwhile , the relevant preparation methods , the current research progress and micro-area analysis techniques were introduced . Chapter ⅱ .

  14. 宽带隙氧化物半导体材料是制备透明及紫外光电子器件的非常具有潜力的重要材料,极具开发和应用价值,是目前国际上热门的前沿研究领域之一。

    It is a very potential material for transparent and ultraviolet optoelectronic devices , so the study of the wide band gap oxide semiconductor is enormously significant . Nowadays , the field has already been the international front of the research .

  15. 多晶ZnO薄膜是一种多功能宽带隙氧化物半导体薄膜材料,它可以作为透明导电薄膜、压电薄膜、光电子器件、气敏和湿敏器件而具有广泛的应用前景。

    Polycrystalline zinc oxide ( ZnO ) films are one of very useful materials , and are widely used in piezoelectric device , transparent conducting electrodes , photo-electric device and gas sensors because of their excellent characteristics .

  16. 其工艺是:先合成准一维金属氧化物半导体纳米材料;

    A process comprises that : firstly , the quasi-one-dimensional metal oxide semiconductor nano-material is synthesized ;

  17. 氧化物半导体陶瓷材料是新型的中、高温热电材料。

    Oxide semiconductor ceramics are new thermoelectric materials used at mid_or high_temperature for potential application in power generation from waste heat .

  18. 简要介绍了热电材料热电效应的基本原理,综述了热电材料的发展及种类,着重阐述了非氧化物半导体热电材料、氧化物热电材料的研究进展,提出了氧化物热电材料的发展方向。

    The development of recent thermoelectric materials were reviewed . The semiconductor thermoelectric materials and oxides thermoelectric materials were introduced in detail . The development direction of oxide thermoelectric materials were raised .

  19. 在众多的氧化物半导体光催化材料中,TiO2以其强氧化性、光诱导超亲水性、无毒性和长期稳定性在净化环境方面表现出重要的应用前景。

    Among various oxide semiconductor photocatalysts , titania appears to be a promising and important prospect for use in environmental purification due to its strong oxidizing power , photoinduced hydrophilicity , nontoxicity and long-term photostability .

  20. 一种新型金属复合氧化物半导体气敏材料体系

    New Type of Metal Complex Oxide Semiconductor as a Gas-sensing Material

  21. 复合氧化物半导体氧敏材料的研究

    A study of the complex oxides which possess oxygen sensitive property

  22. 氧化物稀磁半导体材料的理论与实验研究进展

    Theoretical and Experimental Research Progress of Oxide Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors

  23. 金属氧化物半导体气敏材料的研究进展

    Research progression of gas-sensitive materials of metal semiconductor oxides

  24. 展望了纳米氧化物半导体光催化材料的发展方向和应用前景。

    Finally , the possible development directions and application prospects of nanometer oxide conductor photocatalytic materials were also pointed out .

  25. 高压高温合成复合氧化物半导体纳米块体材料的结构和电学性质

    Microstructure and Electrical Properties of Bulk Mn-Ni Complex Oxides Nanocrystalline Materials by High Pressure and Temperature

  26. 随着半导体光电技术的日益发展,宽禁带透明导电氧化物薄膜已经成为半导体材料研究的热点之一。

    With the development of semiconductor opto-electric technology , wide band-gap transparent conductive oxide thin films have been one of the researched focus in semiconductor materials fields .