
  • 网络vacancies;Vacancy defect
  1. 空位缺陷也能诱导体系的自发磁化,但依赖于F原子的含量。

    The vacancy defect can also induce spontaneous magnetization in the F-gBNs , but depending on the number of F atoms . 2 .

  2. 铌酸锂晶体中氧空位缺陷的热力学研究

    Thermal dynamic investigation of oxygen vacancy defect in lithium niobate crystal

  3. 具有氧空位缺陷的锐钛矿相TiO2为n型导电,存在钛空位缺陷时为p型导电。

    Anatase TiO2 with oxygen vacancy is n-type conduction and with titanium vacancy is p-type conduction .

  4. Si晶体中60°位错与空位缺陷相互作用的分子动力学研究

    Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Interaction Between a 60 ° Dislocation and Vacancy Defects in Si Crystal

  5. 与此同时,骨架红外(IR)谱中氧空位缺陷带消失。

    Meanwhile the oxygen related defect sites disappear in infrared ( IR ) spectrum after high temperature calcination .

  6. 锐钛矿型TiO2空位缺陷性质的第一性原理研究

    First-principles Study of Point Defects in Anatase TiO_2

  7. 这些发射峰由sol-gel过程中形成的氧空位缺陷、硅悬键和非桥氧中心等缺陷引起。

    The emission peaks of the SiO_2 xerogel is related to the oxygen vacancy defects , the silica suspended bonds and the non-bridge oxygen centers formed in sol-gel progress .

  8. 结果表明,掺杂Li合金的空位缺陷增多,并导致贮氢性能改善,这对镍-氢电池有重要意义。

    Results showed that the vacancies of Li doped alloy increased and led to the improvement of the property of hydrogen storage alloy . This discovery is of great significance to the quality of Ni-MH battery .

  9. 在电场作用下,正负电荷、晶粒畸变和空位缺陷等产生空间电荷极化使金属PTC陶瓷复合材料有较高介电常数。

    The samples have much higher dielectric constants , that is because the space polarizations of the positive and negative charges , crystal lattices and vacance defects .

  10. 在第二章我们用STM和理论计算对Si(111)7×7重构表面的四种单个空位缺陷的电子态进行了系统研究。

    In chapter 2 , we fully studied the electronic structures of four types of adatom vacancies in Si ( 111 ) 7 × 7 surface by STM and theoretical calculations .

  11. 薄膜光致发光分析结果显示,薄膜中N的引入使Si空位缺陷增加,N掺杂纳米SiC薄膜发光呈现为典型的纳米SiC的量子限制效应与硅空位缺陷的综合发光。

    The PL analysis shows that nitrogen incorporating in the film will result in the increase of Si defect density , the PL of N doped nanocrystalline 3C-SiC thin films mainly origin from the quantum confinement effect and Si defect luminescent centers .

  12. SrTiO3空位缺陷及替位掺杂的第一性原理计算

    The First-Principle Calculation of SrTiO_3 for Vacant Defect and Substitutional Doping

  13. NTDCZSi中空位缺陷的退火研究

    An Annealing Study of Vacancy-type Defects in NTDCZSi

  14. 既然碳离子注入产生了空位缺陷,那么它肯定也会引起石墨内部结构的变化,所以我们用原位XRD测量方法研究了石墨内部结构的变化与石墨磁性变化的系。

    Since the carbon ion implantation produced vacancy defects , then it must also lead to changes in the internal structure of graphite , so we use situ XRD measurement to study the relationship between the internal structure and magnetic changes of graphite .

  15. 这些蓝光带的产生是由于非晶SiO2纳米线中的氧空位缺陷中心引起的。但紫外发光峰产生的原因尚需进一步研究。

    The blue emission bands could be attributed to defect centers of oxygen deficiency in amorphous SiO2 nanowires , while the origins of ultraviolet ( UV ) peaks in amorphous SiO2 nanowires with a mean diameter of 15 nm are unknown .

  16. 在IPSI-InP的形成中,Fe原子扩散进入VIn,可产生替位的补偿缺陷FeIn,Fe的扩散压制了一些空位缺陷的形成,并使正电子平均寿命变小。

    In the formation of IP SI-InP , Fe atoms diffuse and enter the position of V_ ( In ), producing substitutional compensation defects Fe_ ( In ) . The diffusion of Fe atoms suppress the formation of some open-volume defects , resulting in a smaller positron average lifetime .

  17. 研究发现:BSTS玻璃经电子束辐照后,微观结构上会产生新的空位缺陷,但总的缺陷的体积浓度降低,结晶度增大。

    The results show that after being radiated by electron-beam , the microstructure of BSTS glass will produce new void defect , but the whole defect concentration decreases and the crystallinity increases .

  18. 双空位缺陷石墨纳米带的电子结构和输运性质研究

    The electronic structure and transport properties of graphene nanoribbons with divacancies defects

  19. 单壁碳纳米管单原子空位缺陷的紧束缚理论研究

    Study of single vacancies in single-walled carbon nanotubes based on a tight-binding model

  20. 硅纳米结构中硅空位缺陷引发的双峰蓝光发射

    Blue emission from Si vacancy defects in Si nanostructures

  21. 强流脉冲电子束辐照诱发多晶纯铝中的空位缺陷簇结构

    The vacancy defect clusters in polycrystalline pure aluminum induced by high-current pulsed electron beam

  22. 用第一性原理计算硅单空位缺陷

    First-principles Calculation of the Mono-vacancy in Silicon

  23. 扶手椅型石墨纳米带的双空位缺陷效应研究

    The divacancy-defect effect of armchair graphene nanoribbons

  24. 空位缺陷和锌铁转置缺陷使铁酸锌由半导体属性变为金属属性。

    The vacancy defects and inversion defect changed the spinel zinc ferrite from semiconductor properties into metallic properties .

  25. 其晶体结构是六方纤锌矿结构,天然存在着锌间隙和氧空位缺陷。

    And the crystalline structure is hexagonal wurtzite structure , exist natively zinc interstitial atom and oxygen vacancies defects .

  26. 实验结果表明随辐照剂量的增加双空位缺陷的浓度并不会无限地增加;

    The results show that the intensity of V_2 is not infinitely increased with the increasing of the neutron dose .

  27. 随着晶粒尺寸的减小,氧空位缺陷的浓度增加,极化增强。

    With the decrease of the grain size , the content of oxygen cavity defect increases and the polarization is enhanced .

  28. 文章在紧束缚势模型基础上系统地研究了非手性单壁碳纳米管上单原子空位缺陷结构和电子结构性质。

    The structural and electronic properties of single vacancies and related point defects in achiral carbon nanotubes are studied based on a tight-binding model .

  29. 随着晶粒尺寸的减小,材料表面氧空位缺陷浓度增加,表面光伏效应增强,谱带变宽。

    With the reducing of grain size , the oxygen cavity defect increases , the photovoltage effect on the surface enhances and the width of SPS becomes wider .

  30. 同时理论方法还表明,空位缺陷对薄膜热导率的巨大影响归因于晶格应力的存在使点缺陷也发生散射作用的结果。

    In addition , theoretical analysis indicates that the reduction in the lattice thermal conductivity with vacancy defects can be explained by the enhanced point-defect scattering due to lattice strain .