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  • dielectric polarization
  1. 分析过程基于介电极化理论。

    The framework is based on the theory of dielectric polarization .

  2. 介电极化新概念&边界屏蔽理论

    A new concept of dielectric polarization & the theory of boundary screening

  3. 我们发现平衡态极化与计算得到的非线性场致介电极化之间存在着矛盾。

    Contradiction between the equilibrium polarization and non-linear field-induced dielectric polarization in paraelectric layer is found .

  4. 我们首次研究了无极化杂质层对铁电多层膜极化和介电极化率的作用。杂质层的增厚会导致多层膜的极化和介电极化率的降低。

    For the first time , we investigate the effects of the non-polarization layer on the polarization and the dielectric susceptibility of a ferroelectric multilayer .

  5. 同时分析了频率及温度对电容传感器检测信号的影响因素。通过对绝缘纸板的介电极化和介电损耗的研究,提出了频率和温度对电信号影响的理论模型。

    The effects of frequency and temperature to the signal of capacitive sensor are analyzed According to the relations between the polarization and loss of pressboard , a model of effects of frequency and temperature to signal is developed .

  6. 本论文从绝缘材料的介电极化及介电损耗机理出发,就介电测量技术用于绝缘纸板中的微量水分测量所涉及的多方面理论基础及测量系统的开发方法进行了研究探索。

    In order to enrich this technique , from the mechanisms of dielectric polarization and loss , several aspects about dielectrometry technique to detect moisture content in pressboard are researched in this thesis , including the dielectrometry theories and development of the moisture one-line measurement system .

  7. 在大气中,纳米金红石TiO2的介电损耗以极化损耗(电偶极矩转向极化和离子弛豫极化)为主,而在真空中则以电导损耗为主。

    In air , ion relaxation polarization strongly affects the dielectric loss , whereas in vacuum , the dielectric loss depends heavily on electric conductance .

  8. 数值分析了波束参数、粗糙面介电性质和极化特性对散射系数的影响。

    The influence of beam parameters , rough surface dielectric property and polarization on the scattering cross sections is also numerically analyzed . 2 .

  9. 根据LO-TO劈裂的实验结果,计算出该晶体的静态介电系数和各极化模的有效电荷。

    Based upon the experimental results of LO-TO splitting , the effective charges of polar modes and the static dielectric constants are calculated .

  10. 界面层的存在使介电系数、自发极化、矫顽电压、漏电流都与薄膜的厚度有关。

    Dielectric constant polarization coercive voltage and leakage current have relations with the thickness of thin films because of the interface layer .

  11. 研究介电弹性体经历极化饱和情况下的机电稳定性和突跳稳定性,并分析应变硬化对弹性体电致变形的影响。

    Meanwhile , the electromechanical stability and snap-through stability have also been investigated while dielectric elastomers undergoing polarization saturation . Furthermore , the influence of strain hardening on the electromechanical deformation exhibited by dielectric elastomers has been analyzed .

  12. 结果表明,Cole-Cole拟合较为准确的反映了介电谱的变化趋势,同时也证明将多重介电极化等效为取向极化有一定的合理性。

    It was indicated Cole-Cole equation can accurately exhibit the fluctuation of complex dielectric spectra . Meanwhile , it was also reasonable to replace multi-polarization with orientation polarization in microwave range .

  13. 高频项复介电常数的实部在频率增大时变为负值,这说明介电谱用频域方法来描述是有缺陷的,其测量结果无法用传统的介电极化理论加以解释。

    It indicates that frequency domain method is not a proper method for describing dielectric spectroscopy , while the experimental results can not be explained by traditional dielectric polarization theory .

  14. 另外,介电、铁电、和漏电等特性的测试结果表明不同的缓冲层对BFO薄膜的介电常数、剩余极化、矫顽场和漏电流等特性具有明显的影响。

    Moreover , dielectric , ferroelectric and leakage characteristics test results show that the buffer layer has a significant impact on the characteristics of the BFO thin film dielectric constant , remanent polarization , coercive field and leakage current .