
  • 网络halon extinguishing agent
  1. 卤代烷灭火剂的替代研究情况介绍

    On the research of fire extinguishing chemicals & substitutes of halogenated alkanes

  2. 传统的卤代烷灭火剂对大气臭氧层有严重的破坏作用,自蒙特利尔公约签订以来,寻找合适的卤代烷替代物已经成为国际火灾科学研究的当务之急。

    To prevent the ozonosphere from being destroyed by Halon fire extinguishment agents , it has been an urgent task to find out Halon substitutes from signature of Montreal Protocol .

  3. 卤代烷灭火剂具有高效、低毒、无腐烛、不污损保护对象、化学稳定性好、便于长期储存等优点。

    As one of effective fire extinguishing chemicals halogenated alkanes ( HA ) are effective , low-toxic , corrosion-free , stainless , with best chemical stability and safety for long-term storage .

  4. 阐述了当前我国和国际上有关卤代烷灭火剂及灭火设备的限用和替代技术,以及对现行消防规范对卤代烷产品限用规定的理解,指出了卤代烷产品的替代原则。

    The author described the restrictions in China and other countries on alkyl halide extinguishing agent and extinguishers , the substitution technology , and his understanding of the restriction regulation on alkyl halide product in the current fire_fighting code and pointed out the principle of substitution of alkyl halide product .

  5. 科学探测与试验发现,卤代烷气体灭火剂对大气臭氧层有很强的破坏作用,臭氧层的破坏将严重威胁人类的生存环境和身体健康。

    It is discovered that Halon fire-extinguishing chemical wreck the ozone layer by science determination and experiment . And its destroy will threaten human living space and body health .

  6. 作为传统方法的替代,该研究试制了管状火焰燃烧器测试装置,利用其测量了各种卤代烷替代灭火剂对不同可燃混合气的惰化体积分数。其中外界因素的影响最为重要。

    As taking the place of the traditional method , we applied a tubular flame burner to determine flammability limits of combustible mixtures , and examined the influence on the measured result by the apparatus factors .

  7. 详细介绍了卤代烷1301灭火剂喷射区的温度、压力场试验研究的试验装置与测量系统,以及试验研究的方法,给出了试验研究得到的主要结果。

    The experiment equipment . methods and the measurement system for the studies on pressure and temperature distribution at fire-extinguishing chemicals spraying region is presented in details . The major results of those experiments are also given .

  8. 新型卤代烷替代品SDE灭火剂及其灭火系统设计应用

    Design and Application for A New-type Halon Substitute of SDE Extinguishing Agent and System

  9. 卤代烷1211和1301灭火剂替代物的灭火机理、使用情况及评价标准

    The Fire-extinguishing Mechanism , Application and Evaluation Criterion of Halon Extinguishant Substituent