
lǐ lùn tǎ bǎn
  • theoretical plate
  1. 连续精馏塔中理论塔板数NT的分析计算法

    Analysis for the number of theoretical plate in a continual rectifer

  2. 用Excel图解法求精馏塔理论塔板数

    Graphic solution to rectification column theoretical plate numbers by using excel

  3. 从R变化的角度解析理论塔板数的变化。

    The paper analyzes the variation of number of theoretical plates viewing from the angle of R variation .

  4. 结果表明,在低转速区旋转填料床的理论塔板数随气相动能因子F和超重力因子β的增大而增大,传质单元高度为1.09~1.76cm;

    The result showed that the mass transfer efficiency of RPB increased correspond to the F and β in low rotating speed .

  5. 用具有近50万块理论塔板(对正庚烷)的玻璃涂壁开管色谱柱,分离出聚合用溶剂油中14种C6和C7烯烃杂质。

    Impurities including 14 kinds of C6 and C7 alkenes were separated from solvent naphtha for polymerization , by using a glass capillary gas chromatography with 500k theoretical plates for n - heptane .

  6. 介绍了用Excel对精馏塔理论塔板数的计算方法,不需要编程就可方便地得到计算结果。

    This paper introduces a calculating method for the rectification column 's theoretical plate number by using Excel , which is easy-to-use without programming .

  7. 介绍了用Excel图解法求精馏塔理论塔板数,并给出了VBA程序。

    This paper introduce an Excel-based graphic solution to the theoretical plate numbers of a rectification column and a VBA program .

  8. 在流速为0.5ml/min时,理论塔板数约为2300。

    The theoretical plate numbers of such column was about 2300 at 0.5ml/min of flow rate of mobile phase .

  9. 利用新提出的塔板差分方程(Stagedifferenceequation,SDE),分别对简单精馏塔和有侧线出料的精馏塔进行了SDE数学模型的建立和理论塔板数的设计计算。

    Based on the stage difference equation proposed , the mathematical models and theoretical plate number for simple distillation column and distillation column with sidestream were set up and calculated respectively .

  10. 论文主要研究内容及结果如下:(1)为解决由组分溶解性能不同而导致的不相容问题,提出将传质单元理论塔板数作为优化变量的多组分体系MEN综合思想。

    The main contents and results of this thesis are as follows : ( 1 ) To handle the incompatible problem that caused by the diverse solubility of components in multi-component systems , the synthesis though of setting tray numbers of mass exchange units as variables are proposed .

  11. 在玻璃片上的实验模型中,分离沟道长4.5cm,在100V/cm的电场下理论塔板数可至40000。

    In our experiment model , the separation channel is 4.5 cm and 40,000 theoretical plates is obtained under 100V / cm dc .

  12. 以化工中3个典型计算为例,用Excel电子表格计算汽-液平衡组成及温度,确定了理论塔板数及各块板上汽-液平衡组成,求出了烟道气组成。

    Three typical examples of chemical engineering are calculated by using Excel . The vapour-liquid equilibrium composition and its boiling point , the number of ideal plates , the vapour-liquid equilibrium composition on various plates , and the composition of flue gas are obtained .

  13. 操作压力为15kPa时,理论塔板数为36块。

    The number of plates were 36 under the operating pressure 15 kPa .

  14. 用t-x-y相图与焓&浓图关联确定精馏塔的理论塔板数

    Use T-X-Y phase diagram and ENTHALPY-COMPOSITION diagram to calculate the number of theoretical stages of distillation column

  15. 采用此工艺的萃取精馏塔理论塔板数可降低至20块以下。该工艺已获中国发明专利(CN1120828C),并已在千吨级生产装置上实际应用。

    When this new technique was applied , the theoretical plate number of the extractive distillation tower can be reduced to less than 20.The technique has been granted a patent of China ( CN1120828C ) and has been applied in 1000 t / a device .

  16. 环己酮蒸馏塔真空度对理论塔板数的影响

    Influence of vacuum on theoretical plate number in cyclohexanone column

  17. 填料精馏塔中液体非理想流动对当量理论塔板数的影响

    Influences of non-ideal flow of liquid on equivalent NTP in packed column

  18. 计算机绘图求精馏理论塔板数

    Getting rectification theoretical tower plate number through computer drawing

  19. 制氧机精馏塔理论塔板数的计算

    Plates Calculation of Rectifying Tower in Oxygen Making Machines

  20. 用迭代循环和条件函数求解精馏塔理论塔板数

    Using " Iterative Loop and If Function " to Calculate Rectification Column Theoretical Plate Numbers

  21. 吉利兰特公式(理论塔板与回流比关系式)本文用此程序对氯乙烯高沸塔的理论板数进行了试算。

    The theoretical plates of high-boiling tower for vinyl chloride was calculated by this procedure .

  22. 精馏塔理论塔板数计算方法的评述及其新的简捷算法&图算法

    Discussion and a new short-cut method of the algorithm of theoretical plate number of distillation towers

  23. 填料精馏塔在部分回流时回流分布不均匀对理论塔板数的影响

    The influence of maldistribution on the number of theoretical stages in packed columns at partial reflux

  24. 实验研究了层析的洗脱条件,计算了层析柱的分离度及理论塔板数。

    The desorption condition of chromatography is studied , the resolution and the theoretical stage number are calculated .

  25. 高效液相色谱中有效理论塔板数的变量因素和柱效率的研究

    A Study on Variable Factors of Effective Theoretical Plate Number and Column Efficiency in High Performance Liquid Chromatography

  26. 装柱填料是多孔硅胶球。理论塔板数2000块/米以上。

    The column is packed with porous silica beads with an efficiency of more than 2000 plates per metre .

  27. 板式精馏塔进料口最佳位置的确定及理论塔板数的求解

    The Discussion of Determination about the Best Entrance of Raw Materials and the Number of Theoretical Plates in Rectifying Tower

  28. 气相色谱分离理论塔板数的精确计算&一个非线性吸附/分配过程的概率模型

    Precise Calculation of Theoretical Plate Number Required for Cas Chromatography Separation & A Probabilistic Model of Nonlinear Adsorption / Partition Processes

  29. 结果:毛蕊异黄酮苷和芒柄花素色谱峰的理论塔板数分别为50134和25258。

    Results : The theoretical plate numbers of calycosin-7-O - β - D-glucoside and formononetin were 50 134 and 25 258 , respectively .

  30. 理论塔板数为6143。测定了我国远志主产区山西6个产地的远志中远志皂苷元的含量。

    The theoretical plate number is6143.The content of senegenin in Radix Polygalae from six districts of Shanxi province was measured with the above method .