
  • 网络the ideal world;idealistic world;dreamland
  1. 在一个理想世界中,不会有垃圾之类的东西。

    In an ideal world , there would be no such thing as rubbish

  2. 经典的MM定理指出,在没有摩擦的理想世界中,企业价值与资本结构无关。

    Classic MM theorem indicates that if companies were in the ideal world of " no friction ", the value of enterprises is unrelated to their capital structure .

  3. 但是,作为传统黑人大学的年轻毕业生,你们所受的教育也向你们展示了一个理想世界。

    But as young H.B.C.U. grads , your education has also shown you the world as it ought to be .

  4. 本文根据大多数西方哲学中理想世界与现实世界之间的关系,结合社会学的研究方法和对象指出,Grice构建的理论属于理想世界的层面。

    Based on the classical relationship in most western philosophies between " presence " and " absence ", or between ideal / virtual worlds and actual worlds , the paper proposes that the ideal world of Grice 's theorizing is one on which all social theorization is based .

  5. 论京派诗话小说理想世界的三重境界

    Three Bourns of Ideal World in Poetry Story of Beijing Faction

  6. 在理想世界里,每个人都为爱而结合。

    In an ideal world , everyone would marry for love .

  7. 在理想世界里,预防药物将消灭早亡。

    In an ideal world , preventive medicine would banish premature death .

  8. 它是人们想像中神奇美丽的理想世界。

    It 's an imaginary world , beautiful , mystical and idealist .

  9. 在理想世界中,官方的信贷支持不会存在。

    In a perfect world , official credit support would not exist .

  10. 不可否认,理想世界是宗教和文学的永恒主题。

    Ideal world is the eternal theme to the religion and the literature .

  11. 在一个理想世界中,称王当帝当然是桩美事。

    In an ideal world , it would be great to be king .

  12. 《红楼梦》的理想世界

    The Ideal World in A Dream of Red Mansions

  13. 当然,在理想世界中,这种情况不会发生。

    In a perfect world , of course , this would never happen .

  14. 一种被束缚的生活却成为人类通向理想世界的必经之途。

    A fettered life has become an indispensable way to the ideal world .

  15. 柯希莫男爵在树上努力建构自己的理想世界,不放弃与树下世界的交流,既保持了自己的完整独立,又参与了社会事务,实现了自己的社会价值。

    The Baron established an ideal society in the world of the trees .

  16. 理想世界的执著与困境&论食指的地下诗歌

    Persistence and Plight in the Ideal World & On Shi Zhis Underground Poems

  17. 约翰所追求的理想世界是根本无法实现的。

    The perfect world that John pursues can not be achieved at all .

  18. 在帕默尔的理想世界里,每个人都应该去斯堪的纳维亚风格的学校。

    In the ideal Palmer world , everyone would go to a Scandinavian-style school .

  19. 在一个理想世界里,他们富足的能力(嗨,共享经济!)

    In an ideal world , their spare capacity ( hey , sharing economy !)

  20. 它的花叶象征着春天、爱情、美颜与理想世界。

    Its flowers and leaves represent spring , love , beauty and ideal world .

  21. 在理想世界里,贝卢斯科尼现在会重新考虑自己的决定,并立即辞职。

    In an ideal world , Mr Berlusconi would now reconsider and resign immediately .

  22. 你们是要建立理想世界的女性。

    You are the women who will improve the world when it should be .

  23. 天门是天界之门,天神居处的大门,又是理想世界的象征之门。

    Tianmen is the great gate of the paradise and the god 's residence .

  24. 在理想世界中,我们每个人都热爱自己的工作和所有的同事。

    In a perfect world , we 'd love our job and all our colleagues .

  25. 艺术由此才能够成为连接现实世界和理想世界的天桥。

    This makes art become the bridge connecting the realistic world and the ideal world .

  26. 他们所看到的世界并不是一个和谐、美好的理想世界。

    The world that they see is not a hopeful one of peace and beauty .

  27. 3.:担心在一个理想世界中,我们没有必要为此担心。4.

    eg. In an ideal world , we would not have to worry about this .

  28. 在理想世界中,网站所有者会增强网站安全以保护用户。

    In an ideal world , websiteowners would strengthen their own security to protect users .

  29. 形式理性是以艺术形式作为逻辑起点来重新认识和构建人类理想世界的一种理性力量。

    Form rationality is the rational power that understand and construct ideal world of - mankind again .

  30. 虚拟现实技术,实现了人类飞升到一个理想世界的愿望。

    The technique of virtual reality implements the human 's wish of leaping into the ideal world .