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  1. U型多槽锅式茶叶理条机传动机构的参数确定

    Transmission Parameters Research of U-shaped Multi-hollowware Tea Carding Machine

  2. 机械杀青、揉捻、初烘、手工理条足干,是提高名优茶品质的有效途径。

    Machine water remove , rolling , primary dry and hand body making enough dry is the efficient way to improve the quality of famous tea .

  3. 生产的茶叶质量有保证。特别适用于名优高档茶叶生产中连续理条作业。

    The far infrared tea carding machine of the utility model is especially applicable to continuous carding operation in the industrial process of high grade and quality tea .

  4. 在理条机中加理条棒辅助理条,干茶外形紧直,并改善了香气和汤色,且提高了工效,生产效率是传统工艺的2.6倍。

    Sticks were applied in the band-forming procedure , and the shape of dry tea was tight . The procedure ameliorated the aroma and liquor color , and enhanced the work efficiency . Its producing efficiency was 2.6 times of traditional technology .

  5. 公司现代理多条航线,优势航线遍布世界各地,主要有中东、东南亚、非洲、欧洲、及中南美偏港。

    Modern justifications for the company routes , route advantages all over the world , mainly in the Middle East , Southeast Asia , Africa , Europe , and Central and South American side in Hong Kong .

  6. 第三章一方面通过对英国、美国、香港和北京、成都等地中心城旧住区更新的分析,试图理出一条旧住区更新机制发展的线索。

    On the one hand , according to the analysis of old residential district renewal in inner city of England , America , Hongkong , Beijing and Chengdu etc , the clue of developing of renewal mechanism is studied ;

  7. 通过这三方面的论述理出一条相对清晰的脉络,准确把握色彩表现的变化与色彩规律的发展,使中国工笔画这一古老艺术形态在当今时代重放光芒。

    Through these three aspects , we are going to richard out a relatively clear context , grasp the accurate color performance changes and developing law color , making Chinese fire drawings the ancient art form replay light in the modern age .

  8. 《玉台画史》理出一条女性绘画史的脉络,为后世研究女性绘画提供了第一手资料,其史学地位理应给予足够重视和认可。

    Manage out " jade platform painting history " a female drawing history artery and vein , be to study female drawing has provided the firsthand data in the later ages , whose the science of history position ought to give to again allocation and acceptation enough .

  9. 去加州理工学院哪条路最近?

    Where is the shortest way to California Institute of Technology ?

  10. 还是把你工作上的所有事情理得仅仅有条,以免你的规划不至于在两天混乱不堪?

    Create a healthier meal plan for tomorrow ? Create a place for everything you use at work , so your organizing system doesn 't fall apart in two day ?