
  • 网络regulate the flow of qi to alleviate pain;regulating the flow of qi to alleviate pain;regulate vital energy and alleviate pain;regulating qi to alleviate pain
  1. 敷这种膏药,不仅芳香开窍,而且理气止痛。

    Applying this plaster cannot only remove oBstruction But smooth circulation and stop pains as well .

  2. 疏肝理气止痛治疗胃痛病163例疗效观察

    Curative observation on 163 cases of stomachache treated with principle of relieving the depressed liver , soothing the liver , regulating the circulation of Qi and alleviating pain

  3. 他敷上油膏,并用手指揉擦,使它充分浸入。敷这种膏药,不仅芳香开窍,而且理气止痛。

    He spread on the ointment and worked it in thoroughly with the fingers . applying this plaster cannot only remove oBstruction But smooth circulation and stop pains as well .

  4. 目的:探讨止痛消痔膏对痔疮的临床治疗效果。敷这种膏药,不仅芳香开窍,而且理气止痛。

    Objcective : To investigate the clinical efficacy of Zhitong Xiaozhi Ointment in the treatment of hemorrhoids . applying this plaster cannot only remove oBstruction But smooth circulation and stop pains as well .

  5. 结果表明,橘皮散可通过双向调节胃肠运动发挥理气止痛作用,橘皮散无急性毒性,临床应用安全,无明显的亚慢性毒性。

    These indicated that JP could regulated gastrointestinal motility in two-ways to produce regulating qi and alleviating pain . JP had not acute toxicity and was safe in clinical application and without obvious subchronic toxicity .

  6. 芳香开窍,理气止痛补肾活血、泻下及开窍活血方药对脑缺血胃肠损伤老龄大鼠神经肽和单胺神经递质的影响。

    Experimental study on effect of prescription with reinforcing the kidney and activating circulation , purgation , inducing resuscitation and activating circulation on neuropeptide and monoamine nervous transmitter in aged rats with gastrointestinal tract injury and brain ischemia .

  7. 结论:理气活血止痛法对催产素所致痛经大鼠扭体反应有镇痛作用,其机制与血浆βEP的作用有关。

    Conclusions : The method of regulating Qi and activating blood has close correlativity to the mechanism of easing pain caused by oxytocin and increasing β EP in blood plasma on rats .

  8. 目的:探讨以疏肝理气、化瘀止痛为法的逍遥舒坤汤治疗气滞血瘀型慢性盆腔炎的疗效及作用机理。

    Objective To investigate the effects and mechanism of XIAO YAO SHU KUN TANG which taking functions of dispersing the depressed liver-energy , regulating vital energy , dissolving stasis and alleviating pain as the principle of composing prescription to treat chronic pelvic inflammatory disease of qi-stagnancy and blood stasis type .

  9. 元胡止痛方主要功能为理气、活血、止痛,常用于气滞血瘀的胃痛、胁痛、头痛及月经痛等。

    This prescription is mainly function of qi and blood circulation , pain , blood stasis commonly used in stomach pain , hypochondriac pain , headache and menstrual pain .