
  1. 到了90年代末,钟敬文先生更是把应用民俗学作为民俗文化学的重要组成部分,置之于与理论民俗学、资料民俗学和历史民俗学并重的位置。

    In the late 90 's , he considered applied folklore as an important part of folk culture , parallel with theoretical folklore , documentary folklore and historical folklore .

  2. 例如交际能力理论和言语民俗学理论,并且对言语民俗学研究的核心问题及其主要概念作了简要论述,以此说明言语行为研究的必要性。

    Moreover , the subject matter and the essential concepts of the ethnography of communication as well as the significance of speech act studies are described .

  3. 本文以民族文学、生态文学相关学科作为基础理论,兼用民俗学、民族学、人类学等其他学科知识,对李传锋小说进行多角度研究。

    This thesis is based on the theory of the ethnic literature and the eco-literature , and it gives a multi-perspective research for his novels by using the theory of folklore , ethnology , and anthropology and other disciplines of knowledge .

  4. 首先梳理本文研究近现代通俗小说所要运用的民俗学的一些理论要点,如民俗学研究范围、民俗的内涵和民俗的特征等,提出人在民俗中的主体地位。

    It starts with a general review of theoretic essentials of folklore applied in the research of modern and contemporary popular novels , such as the research area of folklore , connotation and characteristics of folk custom , etc. to build the principle status of man in folk customs .