
  • 网络folk ideas
  1. 由谣谚所见的民间伦理观念

    Folk Ethical Ideas Reflected by Proverbs

  2. 进一步总结民间造物观念的重要特征,即稳定性、生活性、复合性与包容性。

    This article summed up the important characteristics of folk creation ideas : stability , life , compound and inclusive .

  3. 其次,通过王伙场领牲仪式内容的阐释,探究其背后蕴含的民间信仰观念。

    Second , explored the concept of folk beliefs of the collar sacrifice ceremony by its interpretation of the content in the Wang partner field .

  4. 在当代中国,民间价值观念正处于变革之中,它所蕴涵的基本精神,与社会主流文化倡导的价值观念既有相契合的一面,也存在着冲突。

    In contemporary China , the nongovernmental value view is in the change , the basic spirit they imply is in accord as well as in conflict with the value view the social main culture leads .

  5. 借助于一个统一的图像生产体系,民间审美观念成功地改变了美术作品的风格和特征,但同时也显露出民间审美机制与现实主义创作模式之间难以调和的矛盾。

    By using a unified system of picture production , the folk aesthetics successfully changed the styles and features of fine arts , but meanwhile disclosed the uncompromising contradictions between the folk aesthetic mechanism and the realist creative mode .

  6. 从观念层面来看,它推动了近代中国民商立法观念的萌动,促进了中国民间私法观念的培塑和诉讼观念的激扬。

    Looked from the idea aspect , it impelled the legislation idea of people to be produced in modern china , promoted the Chinese folks ' civil law idea to be cultivated as well as lawsuit idea to be encouraged .

  7. 虽然蛙纹这个古老图腾初样以逐渐暗淡,但随之而来新生命能够更加的体现出中华民族的新时代文化、体现民间吉祥观念在现代设计的形式。

    Even through frog dermatoglyphic pattern has became dim with its appearance of totem , but follow with its new life has more ability to show the Chinese national new century culture , shows the national lucky concept use in modern design format .

  8. 论民间美术色彩观念

    On Folk Arts ' Color Concept

  9. 这些民间的法观念往往在中国古代的各种平民文学或者通俗文学作品中有所反映。

    These civil law ideas often reflect in various civilian literature or popular literature in ancient China .

  10. 本论文从考辨神话与民间信仰对象、观念、仪式、传承之间的关系入手,对所提出的神话概念进行了论证。

    The dissertation studies the relationship among myths , belief objects , concepts , ritual and heritage , demonstrates the proposed concept of myth .

  11. 这种异类仙化倾向源自《聊斋志异》对民间传统中狐仙观念与唐以来文学中仙妓合流意识的继承,更出自蒲松龄对异类观念的创新与道德理想的寄托。

    This is an inheritance of the idea of fox spirits in the folklore and the combination of immortal and prostitute in the post-Tang Dynasty literature .

  12. 民间故事的思想观念研究不可避免地涉及民俗知识的结构问题,它的旨趣在于还原行动者的生活世界原貌。

    The research on the notion concealed in folktales is inevitably involved with the structures of folklore , its purport rests with the revivification of Agent 's life-world .

  13. 第三,论述北伐战争时期和济南惨案后民间的革命外交观念及其实践特点。

    Thirdly , I will expound the idea and practical features of the people 's revolutionary diplomacy during the period of the Northern Expedition and after the Jinan Massacre .

  14. 民众在此国法意识的引导下,于私人之间的合约与和约行为中形成了民间的私约法观念。

    Under the guidance of this national law consciousness , during the private behavior of " contract " and " peace treaty ", a private legal concept is formed in civil .

  15. 探究其源流脉络、艺术类别和文化根源;梳理它不同风格的造型特征;分析它的美学本质及审美意蕴;总结民间艺术家的创造观念与心理特点。

    Explore the context of its origins , art classes and cultural roots ; combing its different styles of form features ; of its aesthetic nature and Aesthetic ; summary of folk artists to create concepts and psychological characteristics .

  16. 同时,他的新历史小说颠覆了传统的英雄主题,体现为对父辈英雄祖先的否定与人性恶的凸显,选取民间文化的价值观念。

    At the same time , his " new historical novel " subversion of the traditional heroic themes , embodied in the " fathers " heroic ancestors deny ordinary people the prominent personality and humanity , select cultural values .

  17. 这些实际上是土族民间信仰的物化形式,是在民间信仰的观念的指导下,对自然空间和时间进行民族化、神圣化的结果。

    These actually are materialized forms of Tus ' folk beliefs , are result of stamped ethnic thoughts on the natural space and time and hallowed the natural space and time under the instruction of folk beliefs idea .