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  1. 江西民间刺绣云肩和口围及其艺术特点

    Jiangxi Folk Embroidery Wai-yun Shoulder and Mouth and Their Artistic Characteristics

  2. 以两方面来对壮族民间刺绣设计艺术展开分析。

    Two aspects to analysis of zhuang folk art embroidery design .

  3. 巴渝民间刺绣民俗艺术特征研究

    A Study on the Artistic Features of the Folk Embroideries in Sichuan

  4. 民间刺绣作为传统文化现象,有着丰富的民俗功能。

    As a traditional cultural phenomenon , folk embroidery has rich folk functions .

  5. 从民间刺绣戏曲题材见传统与女性的关系

    The Relationship between Tradition and Female Displayed by Folk Embroidery with Drama Subject

  6. 陕西民间刺绣中云纹纹样的载体及文化意蕴

    The Cloud Pattern 's Carrier and Cultural Implication on Folk Embroidery in Shaanxi

  7. 山西民间刺绣是中国历史上最悠久的刺绣文化之一,绣花鞋垫是其中最具代表性的作品。

    Shanxi folk embroidery is the oldest cultural embroidery , embroidery insoles are a representative of one of the most .

  8. 民间刺绣最为重要的就是技术性的艺能和包含了艺术的技能,那么,技能最为重要的则为传承人。

    Folk embroidery is the most important technical skill and contains the artistic skills , so , skills of the most important is inheritance .

  9. 它在湖南民间刺绣的基础上,吸收苏绣和广绣的优点而发展起来的。

    Xiang embroidery was developed from Hunan folk embroidery methods , but it also drew on the skills of Su embroidery and Yue embroidery .

  10. 没有传承人所有的技艺都将不复存在,针对壮族民间刺绣在现今的现况与现象,进行专门的思考与论述。

    Not all skill will no longer exist , according to the current situation of zhuang folk embroidery in today and phenomenon , special thinking and discussion .

  11. 总结了刺绣纹样独特的构成规律,得出了构成规律是形成陕西民间刺绣独特风格重要原因的结论。

    It was obtained that the construction ( rule ) ( design ) in Shaanxi province was the important reason of forming unique style of civilian embroidery .

  12. 基础信息资料采集的数字化管理在美术研究中的应用&以张掖民间刺绣数据库数据采集为例

    The Application of Digital Management of the Basic Information Collecting in Arts Research & The Experience from the Basic Information Collecting for the Folk Embroidery of Zhang Ye

  13. 同时,论述了各方的基本关系与壮族民间刺绣设计艺术影像面泛亚光的初始印象。

    At the same time , this paper discusses the basic relations of the parties and the zhuang folk embroidery design art image " pan-asian light plane " initial impression .

  14. 常徐功选择用民间刺绣的材料和多种刺绣方法创作了一系列作品,为当代艺术灌注了新鲜的血液。

    It is the choice Chang Xugong made , a powerful force in what concerns the ingredients of folkloric tradition and all techniques pertaining to embroidery , to breathe new life into contemporary art .

  15. 张掖民间刺绣是甘肃省河西地区民间文化和工艺的代表,也是丝绸之路历史文化的反映。

    The folk embroidery of Zhang Ye is the representation of the He Xi district 's folk culture and crafts , and also is the reflection of the Silk Road 's history and culture .

  16. 首先,从壮族民间刺绣文化历史的简括及其显现出来的特殊的教育意义与作用等方面入手,并由此走进壮族民间刺绣与民间生活形态。

    First of all , seen from the history of zhuang folk embroidery culture and revealed the meaning and function of special education , and thus into the zhuang folk embroidery and folk life form .

  17. 山西民间刺绣是造型艺术和环境艺术的完美组合,它既是一种灿烂的民间文化,又是朴实自然、真真切切的民俗生活。

    Shanxi folk embroidery is the perfect combination of the plastic arts and environment arts , which is not only a brilliant folk culture , but also a simple , natural and real folk life .

  18. 本章探讨了山西秀岩村民间刺绣的文化史价值以及其作为资本的价值,并对其在现代化冲击下制作模式与生产空间的探索和变迁进行了思考。

    This chapter discusses the value of Xiuyan folk embroidery in Shanxi as a cultural capital . Let us think of the exploration and changes of production model and space under the impact of modernization . Nowadays , the technological means has rapidly changed .

  19. 沂蒙布艺涉及的工艺技法繁多,应用范围广泛,绣法和针法丰富了民间刺绣品种和纹样,成为一种既传统又新颖的民间工艺。

    The river bank fabric skill involves the craft technique is many , the application scope was widespread , embroiders the law and the acupuncture has enriched the folk embroidery variety and the dermatoglyphic pattern , became one kind both the tradition and the novel folk craft .

  20. 江南与晋中民间服饰刺绣纹饰意义比较

    Comparing Jiangnan with Jinzhong on Embroidery Pattern Implications of Folk Garments

  21. 甘肃民间四绝刺绣:人类童年时代吉祥物

    Embroidery , a Mascot in Childhood

  22. 试图通过对满族民间传统刺绣艺术的阐述和研究,论证其艺术价值和文化价值,使其更好的得到保护和发展。

    Attempts to manchu nationality traditional folk embroidery art paper and research , demonstrates its artistic value and cultural value , make its better preservation and development .

  23. 2001年荣获第四届府城传统民间工艺奖刺绣类入选奖。

    2001The selected prize in the Tainan Traditional Folk Craft Contest .

  24. 内在灵魂与外在体格在民间意识的生活态情感下,构成了完整的壮族民间刺绣设计与艺术及其文化记忆与生活印记的信息面貌。

    Inherent spirit and external physique in folk consciousness under the life state of emotion , constitute a full set of zhuang folk embroidery design and art and its cultural imprint information memory and life outlook .

  25. 内黄农民画是中原地区民间绘画的优秀代表,它在发展的过程中融合借鉴了当地的民间剪纸、民间年画、刺绣等形式,表现出了鲜明的地方特色和时代特色。

    During its developing process it used different artistic expression forms , such as local folk paper-cut , civil New Year , embroidery and so on , thus developing an distinctive feature and time characteristics .