
  1. 通过对比例阀和水压缸进行数学建模,用MATLAB软件作了理论动态仿真,实现对双缸的高精度同步控制。

    The mathematic models of proportional valve and water hydraulic cylinder were given , through the imitation of dynamic software of MATLAB , the high - precise synchronization control of the water hydraulic parallel cylinders was succeeded .

  2. 城市停车诱导信息系统理论动态研究

    Theory Trend Research on Urban Parking Guidance and Information System

  3. 政治经济学理论动态的分析评述

    Commentary on the Theoretical Trend of Political Economy

  4. 并介绍了工作原理,对液压冲击、噪声等问题进行理论动态特性分析。

    The working principle , hydraulic impact , noise have also been studied in this paper .

  5. 正交异性光弹性实验应力分析的矩阵理论动态光弹(性)系数

    The Array Theory Of The Experimental Stress Analysis Of The Orthotropic Photoelastics ; dynamic strain optical coefficient

  6. 发展哲学与中国的发展哲学的研究是一个新的理论动态。

    The research on the development philosophy and development philosophy of china is a new theoretical dynamic .

  7. 应用动力学基本原理建立直升机的动力传动旋翼系统的动力学扭振方程,以此获得系统的理论动态特性参数。

    Utilizing dynamic fundamental theory , the dynamic equations of power , transimission and rotor torsion vibration system of helicopter are obtained .

  8. 同时,要对环境正义做系统全面的把握,对理论动态的关注也是不可或缺的,本文拟从环境正义的概念、向度、视角三个部分入手介绍分析。

    Meanwhile , it is indispensable to concern the theory trends in order to do the overall assurance of the system to environmental justice .

  9. 现代美国儒家大师讨论儒家文化的历史地位、现代价值、世界意义以及儒学研究发展方向的理论动态分析。

    Modern American Confucian scholars mainly focus on the historical status , modern value , global significance of Confucianism and the dynamic analysis of its development .

  10. 引言部分简要回顾了语言、文化和翻译三者之间的密切关系,指出当前翻译向文化转向的理论动态。

    The Introduction briefly reviews the intimate relations among language , culture and translation , pointing out the recent theoretic trend of " cultural turn " in translation studies .

  11. 作为地方政府,应该关注产业发展理论动态,谋划产业集群发展,建立产业集群发展的长期愿景。

    As a local government , should be concerned about the dynamic theory of industrial development , plan industrial cluster development , the establish long-term vision for the development of industrial clusters .

  12. 在传统自然垄断理论动态性分析的基础上,进一步追加技术进步的条件,可以得出技术进步会使一个自然垄断的行业距离垄断越来越远的结论。

    In addition to the traditional natural monopoly dynamic analysis , technology advance can give rise to the conclusion that technology advancement is increasingly ridding the natural monopoly industries of their monopoly prestige .

  13. 第一章提出了文章的研究目的和意义,回顾了目前国内外的理论动态,并说明了本文的研究思路、方法、重点和难点。

    The first chapter gives the researching purpose and significance of the paper , reviews researching trends of the theories at home and abroad , and illustrates the researching means , methods , emphasis and difficulty .

  14. 第三章是服务业FDI理论及其动态适用性分析。

    The third chapter analyses the theory of service FDI and its dynamic applicability .

  15. 密度矩阵理论在动态NMR中的应用

    The applications of density matrix theory to dynamic NMR spectroscopy

  16. 针对普通BP算法学习周期长的不足,根据网络误差表面形状,文章在学习算法中引入模糊理论,动态地在线调整网络的学习步长η及动量因子α。

    This paper applies the fuzzy theory in learning algorithm and adjusts dynamically step width and momentum factor .

  17. 真实经济周期(RBC)理论运用动态一般均衡方法,从微观经济主体的最优化行为出发建立模型。

    The optimization of micro-economic subject is the basis of real business cycle theory ( RBC ) .

  18. 在拉氏空间中,讨论了无穷累加项中累加次数n的取值问题,简化了其理论压力动态响应曲线的计算过程。

    The problem of required number of summary times , which is N , in infinitude accumulation is discussed in Laplace space that simplifies greatly the calculation process of dynamic response curve of its theoretical pressure .

  19. 针对移动机器人在部分环境信息已知下的路径规划问题,运用Voronoi图理论及动态路径最优算法(D算法)理论,研究了一种基于传感器信息的移动机器人在线路径规划的方法。

    Pertaining to partially-sensored environment information , an on-line path planning is proposed for mobile robots using the Voronoi diagram and dynamic D algorithm .

  20. 根据隐含语义索引(LSI)理论和动态自组织映射神经网络理论,提出了一种文本聚类的新方法。

    This paper presents a new method of text clustering by using the latent semantic index ( LSI ) and self-organizing neural network ( SNN ) .

  21. 离散事件系统规范基于一般系统理论为动态离散事件系统的建模和仿真提供了标准的形式化,它可以作为HLA和多范型领域相关模型的联系纽带。

    Discrete Event System Specification ( DEVS ) is a standard modeling and simulation formalization for dynamic discrete event system based on general system theories , it can serves as a foundation to link specifications at different levels together .

  22. 节能调度技术能够结合实时调度理论和动态电压调节DVS技术有效地实现实时系统的节能设计。

    Energy-efficient scheduling techniques can reduce processor energy consumption effectively by combining real-time scheduling theory with dynamic voltage scaling ( DVS ), and can be applied into the real-time energy-efficient design .

  23. 基于Biot双相各向异性介质理论和动态问题的哈密顿原理,推导出任意双相各向导性介质中弹性波传播的有限元方程,并给出双相各向异性介质中弹性波有限元方程的数值解法。

    Based on Biot theory of two-phase anisotropic media and Hamilton theory about dynamic problem , finite element equations of elastic wave propagation in two-phase anisotropic media are derived in this paper . Numerical solution of finite element equations is given .

  24. 针对动态非线性系统,提出了基于离散误差反馈学习(DTFEL)算法的两自由度非线性AIC方法,并有Lyapunov稳定性理论确保动态全系统稳定。

    Regarding dynamic nonlinear system , a discrete time error - feedback-learning ( DTFEL ) algorithm based nonlinear adaptive inverse control method is proposed , and the stability of the whole dynamic AIC system is assured by the Lyapunov stability theory .

  25. 折衷范式的发展和跨国公司理论的动态演进

    The Eclectic Approach OLI paradigm and Theories of MNC Dynamic Development

  26. 服务补救效果的双期望理论:动态的视角

    A Dual-Expectation Theory about Service Recovery Effects : A Dynamic Perspective

  27. 现代经济增长理论发展动态分析

    An Analysis of Developing Trend of Modern Economic Growth Theories

  28. 基于模态分析理论的动态减振器的仿真研究

    A Simulation Research on Dynamic Shock Absorber Based on Model Analysis Theory

  29. 利用工厂化养猪理论参数动态监测猪群生产

    Monitoring swine herd production by parameters of industrialized swine production

  30. 基于反射理论的动态变结构建模方法研究

    Research on Dynamic Structure Modeling Formalism Based on Reflection Theory